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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Truth, Reconcilliation and ?


You can search the Net to find out about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission so I won’t get into it much here but to say; the government screwed up (truth of damage caused), admitted it (opens the door for reconciliation).

Reconciliation comes in the form of money for the damages.

The third unmentioned aspect is the amount of the damages in dollars and cents. The truth aspect was admitted long ago but the hold up is the reconciliation which is a determination on a case by case basis of how much dollars and cents the damaged parties are going to get.

In relating this to what is happening to us, stuck in this financial and legal mirage world, some claim damages or suggest one can suit for damages. Before that can occur there has first to be Truth and then an admission of it. For example, yes we, the government, beat the man out of man and made him a person and extracted his energy and property and wealth.

Now before you get all sweaty thinking there may be some big pay day coming, think again, as that is not what this is about.

Let us say that the truth was admitted by the government that it did make persons out of men and did extract our energy, property and wealth.

That would be good eh? The end would be in sight in that we can be men again and enjoy the fruits of our energy, property and wealth. But, if one wants to be compensated for damages like those involved in the aforementioned Truth and Reconciliation thing, that is the bit that takes time and can drag on for weeks, months, even years.

There is another option that would end it immediately.

Any dibs on what that is?

It is this thing that is spoke of and read about and that some folks actually do; FORGIVENESS.
It is what Jesus taught and spoke of in many ways.

Point here is this, if one wants to be compensated for damages for the alleged wrongs imposed on him, that will delay full closure of the matter whereas if he forgives, that is closure. There are no assessments to calculate the amount of damages, no Court to order payment. No lawyers.

See, when I sent the letter mentioned in a post here to the Minister of Transportation, I accepted responsibility and therefore the thought of damages was non-existent and as shared, the debt collectors stopped calling. Had I laid blame or responsibility on the Minister or Ministry, I would say nothing would have changed and I’d still be slave to debt be I a man or a person.

When I forgave I was forgiving myself for my mistakes in judgement, e.g. I thought I was the name on a BC. I forgot I am a divine being and not subject to artificial persons.

When I forgave I freed myself right then and there, whereas, those involved in the Truth and Reconciliation thing are still bound because the matter is not closed. Their wanting compensation is what prevents closure and is holding up their lives and moving on.

So, if we relate this to wanting to be free of person-hood and debt and legal mumbo jumbo, and one accepts responsibility for his role in the cause and effect (reap what you sew), a claim for damages is non-existent in his heart and he can be a man who is free overnight. With freedom comes unlimited possibility.

So we can call it, Truth, Reconciliation and add in Forgiveness. What I am saying is this, the one thing that will in my experiences delay the government fessing up to its mistakes, really your mistakes, is the fear of what you want.

But if you ask for forgiveness, thus taking responsibility for your part in what you sewed (thought you were the name of child) and reaped (burdens), the government would have no such fear and the matter can close immediately. By asking that you be forgiven all negative energy and potential is let go and you have your freedom along with the truth that you are not a child and not a person or legal person blah blah.

In other words, the truth is on the table that you never had the liability for the name and will no more. Problem is many people seeking freedom and/or that gov to pick up the tab want to be compensated for their own stupidity and that causes delays; least of which is the terms of settlement.

If one accepts it was he who thought he was the name/person/driver/tenant/subject to the system/government etc, that it was he who signed up believing he had to, then he by asking for forgiveness is accepting responsibility for what he did, is not blaming the other guy = settlement and closure.

In short here, even if the government knows the truth, it fears what you will do if brought open to the table. The only way in my view for quick closure is for you to ask for forgiveness of the damages and debt you caused by your choices or ignorance or whatever you want to call it.

Take responsibility.

Some here may be thinking; Fuck no, they did this and they did that. Ask that I be forgiven, are you crazy.

The ‘they did this to me’ mindset is a demonstration of absolute incompetence in my view. That mind-set will extend the time it takes for you to free yourself.

Some are drafting lawsuits which consumes enormous amounts of time and are teaching others they to can sue. Some suggest the process takes weeks or months but that is because they claim they can and or intend to sue. The vibration is in you can there is no mocking God.

My one and first letter to the Minister of Transportation got immediate results and set the tone for future communications. I accepted responsibility and ask that the debt be forgiven and it was forgiven. Now how hard is that?

Not that one should but consider the ramification if a request for forgiveness is refused given what we know.
I guess I am saying, take what you know about the name and status and capacity and your rights and go forth taking responsibility. Yup, I did it; how asleep I was to who I am thinking I am that name there on that piece of paper – that I am subject to the whims of artificial entities; and ask for forgiveness.

Can you sense the resistance by pointing your fingers at they did this to me? Can you not sense why it is taking so long to bring closure?

I love you and please forgive me if anyone is insulted here. I am sorry, thank you!