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Monday, April 23, 2012

Request for Assistance

Hi Lovers

The time has come again that I ask for your assistance. As you know or ought to know, I do what i do full time. That is to say I have no income from any source let alone a regular income.

I have dedicated my life to helping to Build an Era of Love and Peace and to help the people to feel free again. I myself began this journey in ignorance of what love and peace is, that all are one, and in fact I was quite self centered and egotistical. But this journey of the last Eleven years has help me tremendously in terms of growth, spiritually and the greater knowing and appreciate that all are one, there is only THE ONE.

Any how, it is not often that I ask and I ask only for funding assistance when the funds available are at the point of there are no more funds and that point is just about here now. Being a former business man I know how to earn funds but the thought of such let alone doing so, does not generate good vibes knowing the cost and burdens that partaking in such puts on us one way some how. It also goes against what I have been preaching for quite some time and that is love and that love is, but not limited to, unconditional giving.

I am sure many of you know exactly what I mean and of the dilemma in desiring to give freely of your time and services but at the same time having financial obligations. This is why I do what I do as I know there is a way out of having to partake in money making/earning activity to live and get by and as I am not a quitter, i shall not quit until that objective is achieved or the body returned to the ground from which it arose.

Now my obligations are at a bare bones minimum and so this request for assistance is not about me but that I can carry on doing as i have and share the information. I guess I am asking, if you wish that I continue to do as i have and to have posts and sharing of thoughts and information from me continue, I need your help financially to keep the communication lines etc open. Any amount is better than nothing. My overhead is telephone, internet fees, food, fuel, and repairs.

This last year was a bit costly due dental fees which I am not asking be covered by others but that did drain resources. My fault for not taking the time to brush properly rather than read, research, and sit in front of this computer.The teeth for now seem to be okay though.

If you are in a position to help financially and care to, I would really appreciate to receive an email from you and I will send you the particulars how to get funds to me.

Now, as for the path to freedom from lack and need for money, finances, today documentation was sent that I have no doubt will bring that about but, the proof as you know is in the pudding. Yes we may have had such thoughts and beliefs previously but, this documentation sent today by mail is expanded on what i sent the Minister of Transportation and with far more meat since the correspondence I have sent this day was sent to that and other higher ups of Her Majesty’s servants.

It is two in one. One aspect addresses the recognition and the other the financials attributed to the name recognized in law (name of child/legal person) but that we have been performing on.

I will be happy to share that documentation but not before I am certain of the expected good results.

I know many of you are in a similar jar as I but this is why you/me/we do what we do right; to break free of limitation and constraints.

If you can help with the finances here and desire to, please send an email to and I will e you back the particulars required to get the funds here. I thank you in advance.

With love!

p.s. Sometimes mail goes to a spam junk box thing and does not get to me. If you send an email that you will help and do not receive a reply within 3 days, please resend. I can also be contacted by phone at for the next few days, 705 454 2810 (temporary number) and at 705 653 4557 (home number) as of say Monday April 30th.