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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Back To Eden (please share)

BACK TO EDEN shares the story of one man’s lifelong journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple, productive methods of sustainable provision that were given to man in the garden of Eden. The organic growing system that has resulted from Paul Gautschi’s incredible experiences has garnered the interest of visitors from around the world. However, never until now have Paul’s methods been documented and shared like this!

After years of back-breaking toil in ground ravaged by the effects of man-made growing systems, Paul Gautschi has discovered a taste of what God intended for mankind in the garden of Eden. Some of the vital issues facing agriculture today include soil preparation, fertilization, irrigation, weed control, pest control, crop rotation, and PH issues. None of these issues exist in the unaltered state of nature or in Paul's gardens and orchards.

"Back to Eden" invites you to take a walk with Paul as he teaches you sustainable organic growing methods that are capable of being implemented in diverse climates around the world.

The clip below is only the teaser of the film. I urge you to go to the website and listen to this amazing movie. The full lenght documentary can be found on Back To Eden website.

Back to Eden Film OFFICIAL TEASER from ProVisions Productions on Vimeo.

Official Website:
Produced & Directed by: Dana Richardson & Sarah Zentz
Executive Producer: Michael Barrett

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cart before the Horse thinking

So forgive to clear that up and then say as Ang did in his 2008 letter to CRA, I shall continue to give my labour freely in the name on the account. CRA has not bothered him since and I did not share that this is about CRA but his mindset.

Lastly, as you are the creator of your reality, you do have a responsibility what goes on in it. I held that viewpoint when i wrote to the Minister of Transportation earlier this year. I said you guys created the debt, nevertheless I accept full responsibility, please forgive the debt, and they did.

Again, I am not preaching to you and I am not asking or suggesting that anyone accept anything i write about.

But i do love you.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Imagine yourself to be an unlimited source of credit. That is to say, no matter how much liability is tossed your way, you have the inherent ability to take care of it at the stroke of a pen.

As a source of unlimited credit (freely received from God) why would one concern himself with liability let alone being owed.

This is how i see this debt forgiveness thing playing out. Many including myself have come from the perspective that we are owed but I think we have that backwards. We have held this perspective that the government or Her Majesty is liable for the name and i agree, but, as we are the source of credit, they artificial entities have nothing, they cannot take on the liability as they have no way to deal with it unless they have access to our credit.

Now they can access that credit through enforcement as they have (pay or else), which for me is evidence we have not made known that our credit is gifted, or we can let them know we gift our credit at which point a direct connection is made to you, the unlimited source of credit. This allows for the extinguishment of all debt associated with the registered name the instant it is charged.

With your credit given there is no need to use enforcement and other actions to extract it from you.

Consider the beginning of time. Pre so called big bang. Prior to the big bang all that is is you. As there is only you, from where would you draw from but yourself to create a Universe.

As you have the ability to draw on yourself to create, would you then say to your creations, you owe me? Why for when you are the source and with the ability to create whatever you want.

I see us where we are now or perceive ourselves to be in a similar situation except we forgot we are source in this world. We turn to artificial entities for this and for that, failing to realize we created them and we must feed them with their necessity of life (credit) or of fear of death, they may fight for their lives.

In essence, via the process of forgiving the registered name of its debt to you and gifting it to ????, you are as God, the source.

There is a saying in this world; all things must return to the source. Okay, what i get from that is that as we are the source of credit, a return must be made. Until a return is made to source, just like a bank loan, there is a debt.

That saying in my estimation has more to do with a legal right, but as source energy, creators of this world with unlimited credit, creative capability, we can forgive the debt. In other words, just because they say all things must return to source does not mean source has to partake.

I mean, if God, the creator of this Universe and us expected a return, what would we return? How would we get it to God?

So this saying, all things must return to source does not have to mean in actuality. The act of acknowledging self as source, as creditor, and forgiving the debt has the effect of being the return to source, albeit not in the normal sense. Nevertheless, that method is a return to source.

In other words, an actual return does not have to be made to source as source can forgive or, better yet, if source gives freely then there is no expectation of a return to source. All this is upon source which way source wants it to be.

So long as source appeals to the artificial entities for anything, those entities must draw on that or other sources to carry out sources will.

In other words, and I have said this for years, whatever the government gives the people it must first get from the people but there is a cost that equates into an overall loss of or misuse of energy.

When we see we not the artificial entities are the source, we have come about 180 degrees and can now stop whining and complaining and step up to the plate as source to help.

So then, see you as source (God) and your energy/credit flowing freely to Canada (the Universe) by and through the registered name you use. The said name and Canada are the recipient/beneficiary of that energy/credit. Canada can then take your energy/credit and apply it to cover for the registered name you use. As you are the source of credit and the user of that name, whatever on paper the name owns it owns free and clear and is yours to use and enjoy.

Now go forth and multiply. Be productive and bear fruit that is of benefit for Canada and you and consider stopping this whining and complaining as you are testifying against yourself you know not who you are here.

Consider they artificial need us and we do not need them but nevertheless, accept that we need each other and work as one.

We and our ancestors created what we have in this world. We created government and Her Majesty and the factories and and and so we can play and have fun but our free energy/credit is a requirement.

To get to the gifting of our credit part we have to face the facts, one of which is, we have not gifted our credit past which is why there is a debt owing us. The only way known to me to gift and correct or undo the past, is to forgive the existing debt and gift it to the ???? where it could have been or should have been gifted from the get go had we known back then who we are.

I love all!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Info of Interest

Artificial person.........

A legal entity that is not a human being but for certain purposes is considered by virtue of statute to be a natural person.
Receiver General
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Receiver General is an officer responsible for accepting payments on behalf of a government, and for making payments to a government on behalf of other parties. Receiver General is an alternative title for a Treasurer.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Hi Lovers

I thought to share this from john as it rings true,


what do the records show?

what is your capacity?

is there a clear delineation of your role, or is your character that of the fictional realm

where is the record of your true nature, and is it correct?"

A big question that I think is good to ask self is, is my character that of the fictional realm. It speak of a consciousness.

Further to that and the Notice of Understanding and Averment of I AM. Some folks seems to be a bit confused and it is my hope this here alleviates some confusion.

Some are concerned with or stuck on, I cannot or should not work for money. Should not draw an income. With respect to income no income is your income. Money paid for employment is evidence of your credit extended to the registered name, name of child, payee. Said name is considered a taxpayer because the income tax charge is the interest on your credit, the principal sum, or gross amount of paid to the registered name for your labour output.

In other words, consider any and all income, pay cheque issued to registered name, annual or life gross pay is evidence of a loan by you of your credit to said name. As loans go there is an interest obligation. As you are the soul or principal creditor for the registered name given you by way of a birth certificate, the interest or taxes in this case are collected for you. This is why I see us as the bondholder, the ones mentioned in the Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce. The BC is the bond and we have one thus are the bondholder. You see, as mentioned previously we as creditors have two choices, foreclose or make claim for "you owe me this much", or, forgive the debt. This as the last few posts is about forgiving the debt. Now with respect to income, when you have forgiven the registered name of its debt to you then the tax department has heard from the creditor of the said registered name and as a result of the creditor forgiving the said debt, the tax department has no reason to collect taxes to pay you back because you have forgiven the debt. That is what I think Ed Griffin meant in his book Creature From Jekyll Island when he wrote, they will tax us to death to pay us back if that is what it takes.

In any event, that is exactly what I see is going on and it is only happening because we act like debtors or have the character of the artificial-fictitious realm.

Now some people have been working for years which means a lot of credit (principal sum) has been extended to their registered name. So long as this continues, the creditor does not foreclose or forgive, the indebtedness of their registered name to you increases and so to does the interest obligation. It is like we keep extending (loaning) credit to their registered names means a big loan and a bigger debt obligation and ever increasing interest obligation. The greater the amount of the unclaimed principal the greater the interest obligation becomes and it is only the interest obligation they are concerned with as for collecting it for you.  But as i say, and this is about forgiving not foreclosing or making claim, you owe me, when we arrive as the creditor and forgive the debt it is finished.

The registered name is no longer considered a tax payer as a result. This is because you forgave the debt being the principal amount which cancels the interest/tax obligation.

Now dealing with Human Rights and Freedoms does not address your capacity or status as creditor nor does it deal with the debt. In fact I would say that claiming a human right or freedom to an artificial entity has one knowingly or unknowingly as a character of the fictional realm. As Ra said in the Law of One, you either serve self or other self and as far as I can tell, the mentality of claiming human rights stuff and getting food and clothing and bills paid is about serving self. Where in these claims or claiming process is one saying anything of serving? Yes we may be entitled to food, clothing, housing, freedom ,fun, enjoyment, education, perfect health, great friends, love, children, travel, etc, but by divine right, not some document drafted that not one of us is party to.

I see coming forth as the creditor of the particular registered name you use and forgiving the debt catapults one over and beyond the offers and limitations of the artificial entities, state parties to the human rights documents. As a creditor/God to Canada do you not think you are above the need to request or demand access to food and clothing etc? Jesus said, be not justified by the law and is not making claims under human rights legislation issued by or for artificial entities not doing just that? Furthermore, if you know yourself to be an extension of the divine, the one infinite creator, why on earth would you appeal to some earthly authority for anything? I think what has people interested in the human rights stuff like bills of exchange stuff is there is something in it for them, free clothing, housing, food. In other words, the consciousness is me me me and demonstrative of a character that is of the fictional realm, this world, because, in my mind, it sure is not divine or an expression of one who knows he she is an extension of the divine. Imagine the one infinite creator had that attitude. We would not be and as much as human beings may have rights so to do creditors. The imposing on us of legal and fictitious titles is to compensate for our lack of knowing who we are. If creditor is a legal term it is above all other legal terms. He was a credit to his community does not mean financially. She is a credit worthy woman does not mean she pays her bills on time. No business or enterprise or government can have credit, money in the bank, if not for the people giving energy into such things. Credit is derived from human energy/labour and labour is the one thing we can say we own and that we can decide what to do with it. Whenever labour is pledged such as ours is to Canada, by and through our use of their registered name, meaning we have no choice, a debt obligation to us is created. Compare that to one who starts a new business. He knows he has to provide his energy to the business.
He may recognize the business has a need for some free energy which means the owner(s)/shareholder(s) will not draw a wage. In any event his energy given in the name of the business is credit for the business/Canada. As the owner is not drawing a wage the business/Canada is indebted to man or legal status such as owner/shareholder/creditor.

What a man says and does is who a man is. If a man says he is a creditor and he is, then man is a creditor. If he acts like a tenant he is a tenant. If he says
he is none of those legal personalities, then what is he? Does he exist? If he not exist can he be a creditor, or can he claim for food and clothing and housing from the artificial? As I and another I know see it, when the debt is forgiven the status of creditor is removed and the status of debtor removed from their registered name. The instant the name is charged the credit is there to extinguish the obligation of the name you use. When government charges their name it cares not how large a debt it may impose. As the creditor of the name charged you do not care either and furthermore, if the government can do that, with the obvious expectation of drawing on your credit, you can do the same and issue the credit. After forgiveness, the issue of credit to settle obligations of name is, if it be your will, pre-authorized.

A CRA agent told me the people are the government. At first I thought F%^& you. But after thinking on it I think I see he may be correct. We the people constitute the basis of government, our collective credit. 

he law follows our choices and silence is a choice. If a creditor not indicate himself as such he may be classed something other than and I think we can all agree we have acted like debtors and subjects of artificial entities. That we have acted as characters (legal persons) of the fictional realm.

Now forgiving the debt of the registered name to you in and of itself does not make one, the forgiver, a creditor/God to Canada. It is however the initial step that must be taken. As I m still pondering I shant get into it here what I think the move is that makes one a creditor to Canada. They have to balance the books.

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