
Earn Silver Coins For Free

Friday, April 27, 2012



Further to the post Good Vibrations and the Minister of Transportation re, Driver License and the suspension of it.

As of this date it has the desired effect. No more calls to collect on the debt. In that letter I also asked for documentation that acknowledges my inherent right to travel free of license. As I was drafting that part of the letter I had a feeling no such document would be forthcoming and as of this date no such thing has been provided and I did make a second request recently. Thing is as far as I am concerned we do not need any such documentation.We already have it and it is the birth certificate. Think about had you never applied for a driver license, benefit of Her Majesty. What would you have to present on a roadside stop but the BC? I think the best they can do is flag the name of the child or juridical person.

What I do see happening is the government registered name is flagged. That name being the one on the BC and said license. When you think about it, how can an artificial entity provide human beings with such documentation when the right to travel and move about belongs to us from birth?

Now maybe is a good opportunity to touch on the term ‘human being’ as some folks take issue with its application to them. Speaking for me-self, I am not a human being, I occupy the human body. With that in mind I drafted this for the post Offer from Max,

To add to that for those who may be concerned with the use of the term ‘human being’ as meaning Monster or whatever the law dictionaries have to say about it. Firstly, the T shirt distinguish human being from juridical or legal person. One is real the other fiction. Perhaps from the perspective of artificial entities humans are monsters. Do you remember as a child having dreams and thoughts of monsters and being afraid? I do. So the term Monster is something to be afraid of. Perhaps artificial entities fear humans in that if humans ever wake up they will stop serving and fearing artificial entities as has been the case. God is not a respecter of persons. Did Jesus not say, the kingdom of God is in you so who that God is but you. Secondly, the T shirt is worn by the body and speaks about the body, not you the spirit occupying it.

You may want to get that straight in your mind.

I hope that address’s those concerns.

Another point here to take note of may be this, why are we the living concerned with what artificial entities have to say about human beings? In other words, whatever is said in legal dictionaries (fiction), for the most part if not 100%, I care not.

To carry on then with the purpose of this post, it is my guy feeling that a lot of time has been spent to find a way out of the box via understanding of terms and words that apply to artificial entities and is why I think I will not get the documentation I requested from the Minister of Transportation, and the said minister is not the only one that is and represents the artificial. I say is because said minister is not a product of nature.

Another point of note is that in by communicating with the said minister regarding a debt debt collectors were calling about, I did not acknowledge that the debt collectors have any authority or business calling me. I did not engage them nor allow them to engage me. I went over their heads right to the source where remedy can actually be had. In other words, debt collectors, which includes lawyers, have not the authority to forgive for the party, authority, they represent. Why bother dealing with them rather than going to the top. In the case of driver license the top dog is the Minister of Transportation.

We go to the source of the authority which in the case of fines relating to driver licenses and suspensions of such licenses falls under the Highway Traffic Act which is overseen by the Minister of Transportation. I hope this helps you for the time being to see how other matters can be PROPERLY dealt with. For example, I rec’d a request for help regarding a bill for medical care. I suggested that party communicate with the Minister of Health in the stead of the issuer of the bill.

I hope this helps narrow down who one should communicate with regarding certain issues. Look at whatever issue you have and think about who is the top dog.

The above said, there are some good things happening that would free one of all matters in that all legal and all financial matters emanate from and apply to artificial entities one way or another as such entities can only deal with other artificial entities. They are not and have never been dealing with human beings. It is in our minds they are, hence the terms ‘free your mind’.

Remember this, the artificial need us and not the other way around. Artificial entities are obligated to us for that reason. If they kill us they kill themselves. But, so long as we believe or act to the contrary, those entities will continue to treat and target us as lesser than them, e.g. as debtors at the bottom end of the totem pole.

Furthermore, when I communicate with the office maned by an artificial entity, e.g. Minister, I communicate with the artificial and man, human being, filling the office of the artificial entity.

More to come in the next few days.

Take care