Hi Lovers
I am satisfied now that the information and perspectives being tossed around are B.S.
First off, we used the BC incorrectly and that caused the mess we are in.
Now forget the past and be in the now. Put all that fiction stuff aside for the moment. Do not draw on memories. Have the mind of a child, open, inquisitive.
I used the analogy of the name being a car in a parking lot the other day here. To carry on with that thinking here we go;
If you compel it that you take possession of legal title to property intended for me, who has the liability?
If I have never claimed the title, to whom is the liability owed?
Ahhg we give up, who? And there is the question the car lot guy cannot answer because the claimant, owner, has not shown up.
What if I claim the title but the holder will not give it to me, who has the liability?
To whom the liability is owed?
Now we can answer the question, the claimant.
We see here that the holder of the title intended for you has the liability before you claim title and after you claim it. The differences are, in the first case he has no clue to whom he is liable, whereas in the second case he does. As claimant you can take the money or keep reading. Claimant is how the title holder sees you. People I am sure see me as an ass but I do not care.
Let us say you have claimed the title but the holder of it will not give it to you. What to do?. I guess I will either complain or do nothing or sue the bastard.
But wait, why the heck would I do that. If the holder of the title intended for me, not him, won’t give it to me, I guess I can send him the liabilities.
Hmmm, but what if he complains, then he can give me my title (property) and free himself of the liability.
Ya, that route seems the shortest quickest route.
No listen up people. Imagine you are 12 years old sitting on the couch looking at the birth certificate. You are a smart boy and know all about titles and you notice on the BC, CERTIFIED EXTRACT FROM BIRTH REGISTRATION.
What may you have done? Read on.
Wholly cow, this is not what my folks intended for me, this is proof someone else is holding what my folks intended for me. Gee, if I do not do something and use this BC to get a SIN card, shit may happen, I may be recognized as a citizen or performing a function of government as an owner as a trustee, that I ABANDON TITLE, fuck – THEY MIGHT THINK I HAVE AGREED TO ATTORN myself over to another lord and that I like being cared for by that lord. I better make an inquiry into this and fast.
I am gonna take this BC and exchange it for the title my folks intended for me.
Knock knock. ya I am here to get my property and here is the claim ticket.
What have you, oh yes, we have this instrument. We registered and recorded it. However my boy, you are not yet of legal age to make this claim. You are still under the care and tutorship of your mommy and daddy. But when you are a big boy, a man, you can come back and we will talk. In the meantime, I will note in the file you came here and made your claim to your property. Hope fully you come back boy. (yes, mommy and daddy can make the claim but work with me here).
6 years later, 18 and a man now.
Knock knock. Hi man, long time no see. Yes it has been 6 years and I am grown up now and do not need mommy and daddy or some stranger lord to look after me anymore so if you don’t mind, I am here to get the title my folks intended for me. I am here for my property, the title we spoke of 6 years ago.
Yes, I remember my boy. Do you recall I said we will talk.
Good. You see boy, we cannot give you what you ask for because it is a permanent record, but, that does not excuse us as holder of the title so there are two suggestions I can make. One is you sue us for failing to deliver your property and you’ll settle for a sum, or, you use that BC there and go about your business in the name on it and we will pick up the tab. How does that sound boy. Well gee that sounds great mister and it makes perfect sense. I accept plan B.
You guys hold the title to the name intended for me not the government. I do business in this name on here which means I own nothing on paper but, since the title you hold is mine, and we have come to this agreement, I get use. Yes boy, that is my promise to you. That is what this birth certificate is boy. You see, the moment you accepted to be one with the one, the BC being a subscription, the promise kicks in.
In essence, as holder of title, my title, the holder of my the title gets the asset value, the liabilities and I am free to be me and enjoy use of property.
That’s right my boy. Don’t tell anyone son but some people believe government is in control and they are right. Not because we are but because they believe it.
Fact is boy, God set this all up for the benefit of all and all are one, but some people, well, we will leave the one alone, except to say, a belief in other than perfect oneness and support thereof, is the cause of all war and crime.
But my boy, as you are fully accepting to be one with the one, he is your key to the Kingdom. The END……….
Truth or fiction folks?
See, if they will won’t give up the title, they must accept the liability and if they do not want the liability THEN GIVE US THE TITLE.
How easy is that?
We are more or less forcing a confession by the facts of their acts and disclosure and lack thereof.
So we are clear, if you accept that your folks did intend that you receive the title (SOB) and the extract as proof the gov holds that title intended for you, then what are you going to do about it?
Is it because we have not properly made claim to the title, our property (rights), our inheritance, it is presumed we voluntarily attorned ourselves to another lord or considered abandonment of title? Get rid of the lord so you are lord on the account and over your life.
Think about it. Until you are 18 your folks are liable for you and the government by law has a responsibility to children and those who cannot protect them selves. There must have been some sort of attornment for that to happen and it can be evidenced only by the SOB.
The day you turned 18 you are free to claim the title (rights) what your folks intended for you as evidence by the foundation document and was registered/recorded by the government.
The idea of making the claim is to establish one and we all have a valid claim. If the gov does not want the liability, give us the title intended for us, simple as that.
Time to grow up.
One can see bad or see the goodness. I leave that to each. I think it safe to say that what is meant by the BC is not personal id, it is intended to be used to prove your claim.
With love