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Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hi lovers

With respect to the most previous post, DO YOU HAVE EYES THAT SEE; everyone who has commented thus far has commented on the obvious but that is not the reason I uploaded that file ENTITLEMENT DOCUMENT.

Folks, your not getting it. Hahahahahahaha!

That document is very revealing but the commenter’s thus far obviously believe they are CANADIANS, thus that you are in Canada. There is no Canada…………………Hahahahahahah! It exists in your mind and that has you blind………Canada is an abstract, nothing concrete………..

There is a huge tip to getting out of the box in that doc but have you the eyes to see it.

Do you recall recently I posted here about a movie. In it the crazy guy was going around holding his hand between his face and the others face, saying look at me and tell me how many fingers you see? Everyone said 4 and the crazy guy was pissed. Finally someone comes along and the crazy guy says, look at me, look at me look at me. Finally someone listened to the crazy guy and LOOKED through the fingers at the crazy guy and said, I see 8 fingers. The crazy guy said, finally someone that can see.

So far, those commenting on that uploaded doc see 4 fingers because you are seeing the obvious, the hand. Do you think I am asking, do you have eyes that see, in regard of the obvious?

This is evidence we are in robotic mode. Free you mind.

With love!