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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Round and Round

Hi Lovers

This is for consideration. I am not saying it is correct.

The Queen took an oath to the people. Government folks take an oath to the Queen, oath of Allegiance, and an oath of office.

So let us say the Queen has promised to serve the people but as the head of state the service is provided through that what she is head of. In right of Ontario, Canada, etc. The head of general motors is not liable for general motors, general motors is.

Would it make sense that I promise to serve you in a name I issue you but you not serve me in kind? What standing would you have to claim breach of promise if you are asking the court to order me that I honour my promise to you while you use the name to serve you? Good luck to you.

However, the opposite occurs the instant you use the name I issue you to serve me, at that point I am bound to my promise. See the post Subscription. If the subscription, promise, is not used as intended, the subscriber, Ontario/Canada in my case, is not liable.

In my mind, and I am not saying it is correct for you but it is for me, by taking the initiative to have the address changed as per previous posts and comments, one is bringing things about face, correcting a mistake, and the promise becomes binding and they know it. They are probably waiting for us, God is.

The address of course we are talking about is not ‘your’ address but that of the name from the foundation document, the document the extract that may be used as a foundation document but is not a foundation document (fiction of law) points to. So you have to have it clear in your mind who is who and what is what and the relations.

So, if this is correct then it has to be that Ontario/Canada benefit from my use of the legal name of the BC because until one or the other or both do, the promise does not kick in for want of consideration, the consideration as stated above but with modification, why would I pay your bills when you do nothing for me? But they are not my bills, and you are correct, but, the address thing indicates you are the beneficiary but not in truth but they play the game on your ignorance which is no excuse but in any case, as I see it, so long as the truth is not brought to light (I see the address change as a way to the means) you must like things the way they are.

The address change focus is not so you get your bills paid but so the promise kicks in and in my case B, VR or vendor is covered. I serve through B, VR but no one knows who I am or rather, I am not recognized in law, BVR is. The law does not care who you are, man or woman, it cares who is on the hook, unless of course harm was done; it may take a different view.

If you see yourself as a slave you know you own nothing and have no money so any claims against you or your name however you wish to look at it must be settled by the master so by making the address change thing with the additional information e.g. contact that office for the address of the B,VR; although you are a slave but in a good way because your doing it voluntarily, you are causing the invoking of the promise and are we not children of the promise? I mean if you say and believe the name is not your name, not you or who you are, then are you not more or less saying, I am a slave, especially if you say, I use the BC of necessity because I have to? (Servants can own slaves do not)

The Queen I beleive has taken oath to serve the people and without trespassing against your free will, maybe you can figure out how to complete the circuit that the promise kicks in. If you do not beleive in some kind of promise then I do not know what other process will work that is binding.

I accept that God did not create this world that we divide it among us like executors of our wee pieces of heaven but that we share in it all. For that to happen we have to be of one mind and one heart and collectively we are the heart of Canada. It, as Harper said, must reflect the character of the people and we know the condition of ones heart is reflected in his character, his walk and talk.

The reason I do not get real specific here with regard to a letter writing approach or content (how and to whom etc) is that I know no more than you the answer to say, this is it do it this way. So rather than influence I choose to let you go your way because your way may be the right way and mine wrong if you get the point?

If there is a scam going on I say it is those who know the truth and take advantage of it, being our ignorance. I believe that when we make our intent clear that Ontario/Canada/subscriber is recognized as the beneficiary, the scam will stop because the scam exists because we used the BC as a foundation document when we provided the address where our ass is, thus the subscriber is not liable and we are fair game. The oath, A PROMISE, (a subscription is a promise) rendered not applicable.

I am not saying any of this is correct but put up for consideration. What I see is this and it is free energy machine.

Queen made a promise to us  = service and when we are known to serve through the name recognized in law, the one from a birth reg/BC, the promise kicks in and round and round it goes. Everyone wins

I love you