
Earn Silver Coins For Free

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Hi Lovers

This is in addition to and support of the most recent posts and related comments and should be read and considered in conjunction with them.

Here is another consideration when claiming the names your folks intend are gifted to you. The ones on the SOB. When making your claim, claim those names under your jurisdiction. This is the sovereign stepping up to the plate.

Sample: I hereby acknowledge my acceptance of the said names as my names under my jurisdiction.

Of course you want to qualify things in some context but the point here is ‘my jurisdiction’. Those names are your names and yours to claim under your authority = jurisdiction, as they were gifted to you for your use when you come of age. We have government letters saying, the SOB is considered definitive legal proof of the intent of your parents to give you that name.  Great, I accept but I never received it.

This I believe is how you get to be THE sovereign on the account in control of your name and subsequently the trustee and your life. In other words, until you claim your name in your jurisdiction, you are not a sovereign let alone the sovereign on the account. The gov is by your silence or lack of action.You are not claiming actual possession of your name but basically constructive without saying so because the government will not give up possession of the foundation document.

Got to start at the bottom, the foundation, right?

Remember, The name on the BC and any and all names derived of the BC, all of them, are derived of the SOB. When you claim your names gifted you as found on the respective foundation document, you do the same with all others, connecting all of them to the trust/trustee, Ontario, Canada, common wealth; mutual benefit, oneness, as God I am sure would have it.

With Love