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Friday, December 9, 2011

All for One and One for All

Hi Lovers

A trustees first duty is to the trust, not the beneficiary. As our names it seems are registered with the trust, held in trust, it suggests that it is intended our duty is to the trust or mutual benefit. Not that it has to be as evidenced by the fact that a BC may be used as a foundation document (personal identification) although it is not, the SOB is the foundation document, or document evidencing legal title in the name. Who received delivery of it and still has it.

It seems to me that the government being a not for profit institution (serves mutual benefit) is doing the best it can to serve the best interest of the trust, and that, anyone going against the best interest of the trust, is an enemy of, threat to the trust.

I will say that the general public (trust) is the beneficiary of your name, that is, until you come forth as the beneficiary of your name. First off, if one does not appear as a beneficiary of his name (himself) then his identity is unknown and he cannot be served privately but as one of the general public fools.

I see the way to that is to acknowledge it is your name on the SOB and that the gov is holding your name and since it is your name, you can add in, and I am the beneficiary. To give rise to possible breach of trust one may add, cease and desist use of my name and contact me to read me my rights and options.

Further, and this is interesting. If the trustee contracts with the beneficiary the transaction is considered fraudulent unless the trustee can show that the beneficiary entered into the transaction with full knowledge and awareness blah blah of what he was getting into and further, this is specially serious, if the trustee has taken advantage of its stronger position of knowledge. This may be how these so called invisible and adhesion contracts are nullified because there is no way the government can prove we were fully informed of all facts when said alleged contracts were entered into. In other words, I do not think that can block you from moving forward because of past contracts such as driver license.

Now, the big thing here to be cognizant of is the trustees first duty is to the trust, not the beneficiary. I would say we have three options. Stay as you are, get paid out, or to carry on serving the trust, becoming one with the trust, your interest is the same as the governments, and enjoying the benefits of the trust that are known then to belong to the trust, not you, and you are using them some way somehow to benefit the trust; oneness, love, mutual – benefit.

If your interest is to benefit the trust, then, the trustees first duty is to you because your duty is to the trust. Either that or cash out.

All can be for one, or all can be for one and one for all. Or, all (people) can be for one (self) or, all (people) can be for one (trust/estate) and one (trust/estate) can be for all (people/beneficiaries).

The file is to large to upload but you can find ‘A Trustees Handbook’ by AUGUSTUS PEABODY LORING (published 1898). Keep in mind as you read that book that the concepts spoke of are not quite in line with our situation. That being, it is our name held in trust and not assets that generate funds that are paid to or benefit beneficiaries. Another difference is, as our name is held in trust, everything we do serves the trust, we are its contributors; whereas, the other type of beneficiary is served by the trust or the trust is not such that the beneficiary is serving the trust. This is a reason I see this game is intended as a oneness thing. Not individual estates or companies, but members of the one, never separate although we can act as if we are. It is interesting with all our names held in trust or by the government there is no separation possible from the trust, but, we can act as if we are, e.g. use BC as personal id, a.k.a. a foundation document.

I guess what i am saying is, Canada is like one big mother trust. It is set up such that we are each a contributor and each a beneficiary, we are the one.

The duty of the trustee as any good captain or CEO is to the trust or ship or company, not the people. Save the ship you save the people so we see the focus is the ship, in this case, I am calling it the mother trust. That may explain why a lawyers first duty is to the system, not his client. We are either on board having the same interest as the trustee or going against the trust, thus against the trustee, and we know well the power of the trustee we are talking about here.

I for one, chose oneness.

These are my views and should not be trusted. Get your own trust. LOL!

I love ye all…………..