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Sunday, December 25, 2011

It is time

Hi Lovers

Folks, the time has arrived as happened to me in 1986 to $%$t or get off the pot. It is time for those seeking true spiritual freedom to come together under one roof. To be filled in why we are in a box and the way out. No more need we play this monopoly game as we have.

The last hurdle is before us and we only need JUMP.

I mean this with all seriousness.

I have received some knowledge this past week that opened vistas and have struggled internally what to do. I mean, I can take the action, in fact I have, but it is no good if you all are not with me, us, as one. United we stand strong.

So I am sending this message out as an invitation to all seekers of truth who are guided by moral and spiritual values to find a way that you/we, as many as possible, can come together under one roof so as to bring finality to our objective and help bring in the era of love and peace NOW and share it with others of like mind and heart.

No more secrets, no more withholding. If there is anyone out there who can accommodate or make arrangements to accommodate a lot of people under one roof, preferable in a natural nature environment away from cities, I want to hear from you asap.

We have a golden opportunity before us I must share but I cannot do it on my own. I have asked for some help with funding and if i did not say, it is very temporary to keep me fed and the communication lines open.

Many of you have stepped up to the plate to help in that regard and I thank you very much.

This short term funding has nothing to do with buying our way out of the box for such would be an oxymoron. We have before us the opportunity to serve God, each other, have roves over our heads, food in the cupboards, joy in our lives again, and without the need to serve or concern ourselves with mammon.

We are the one they are waiting for.

With love!