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Friday, December 23, 2011

Go within or go without

Hi Lovers

From the Bill of Rights

Men and institutions remain free so long as freedom is founded on MORAL and SPIRITUAL values.

I highly doubt seeking or claiming an estate or that we are owed something is a spiritual or moral value.

I highly doubt blame or blaming is a moral or spiritual value.

I highly doubt claiming anything is the moral and spiritual value.

We spoke many times of paying it forward (PIF), seeing self as a source from which good can flow from outwardly with no concern for, what will I get out of this, what is in it for ME.

Some joined PIF as an expression of their intent to serve, give freely, do love. Some jumped ship when offered an opportunity to make or get money back is not in my view, being honest with oneself or expression of moral or spiritual values. Clearly those that joined PIF then jumped ship, joined for the wrong reasons. As time has passed those have been filtered out. It is the want for money and stuff and serve me that got us in the BOX and will keep those holding such thoughts in the BOX.

The motto of the Queen’s family is -  we serve.  A good leader is a good servant and Christ showed us the way as one of those excellent leaders. He also said I am not your crutch. I have shown you the way to the door. If ye but walk in my footsteps they will lead you to the door, the threshold of which he cannot carry us across. One must have the moral and spiritual values in place to walk through that door to the Kingdom that awaits.

But, and i say this respectfully, we want or are not thinking of serving but that I should be served. I highly doubt that is the moral and spiritual values meant. In other words, as I have been expressing these last couple of days, perhaps harshly, we are here to serve, not be served. We are not owed anything. All is given.

Again respectfully,  a lot of what I have read in the comments of the last few days and receive direct via email, is self centering egotistical non moral or spiritual values. This is not who you are. I really love you and would love to say, do this and you are out of the box, but it is not the paper it is the INTENT and only you can express your intent and if your heart is not in moral and spiritual values, I do not think any amount of words will set you free of the box. The truth is not out there it is in you.

If everyone lived to serve the Kingdom of God would be realized right here right now, and so I am suggesting people need to seek the truth of themselves like the note says that is stuck to my computer to remind me, it is in me, the way out. The words I put to paper express my intent and this is not about determining who has the liability, totally non spiritual thinking,  but service. Giving of thyself.

There is nothing to claim – all is given.

I am sorry if you feel insulted as that is not my intent and perhaps if you do feel insulted, it is the ego speaking.

Do you not see the wild animals. When they are hungry they eat. When tired they sleep. Do you think they have banks accounts or money or go around saying this is mine you owe me, I have an estate entitlement or treasury account full of money or something like that?

Freedom is found when one expresses moral and spiritual values and this opportunity is and has been there for us since before we were emerged in this world but our egos blind us. Heck, we don’t know when ego is the one doing the speaking or not.

Consider being selfless and living to give and serve, it may open your eyes to see. I am sure many of you do that in your private lives but this here is not about that it is about your connection with the public and we all volunteered into it and one may volunteer out. But as i say, it is not the words but the intent, and if the intent lacks moral and spiritual values, can one truly be who he really is or free?

This world is built of moral and spiritual values but the world most see is the legal one, or the economic and financial one. That exists as a result of lack of moral and spiritual values. We created it and or we are perpetuating it.

I see now that even if there was to be a complete and total financial meltdown, it has no effect whatsoever in the Kingdom of God where ALL IS GIVEN.

You think you are owed, or have something to claim; then you are denying yourself as a moral and spiritual being. No one or entity is doing anything to you you did not ask for by de-fault.

I see no sense in me posting any further documentation as it seems to limit the scope of thinking to that what is written on the paper.


Some take offense when i say ye are Gods. Sorry you feel that way but what that means to me in part; we are of one source and equal.

We live in a dualistic reality, not because it is, but because we believe it is. Yes there is a fiction or persona or person or corporate side, and yes we are all in it, but it was never meant to be that way, that is very evident now, as is, how to express an intention of unity.

So what if the government holds legal title to the name given you. Can you not see the goodness why? Why do ye think it means they owe me, they have to perform for, serve, me? That mindset is not in my view based on moral or spiritual values where the freedom I think you seek is.

Take this post as you may matters not to me. Oh ya, I would love if we all come together in love and serve one another, to see the end of suffering, but i see the way is the desire to serve….>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Like the battery in a flashlight does. Energy in reserve waiting to be used. It exists to serve, to be used. It does not question or hesitate. It was created and lives to serve as are you created to serve.

The battery stepped up to the plate to serve long before it was purchased.

Surely, we can be that and greater.

I share my thoughts here in the hope it may cause some to re-evalute their position on things.

I love you