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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Battle of Titles

Your Majesties,

I suggest that this game is not about the house or car or me or you but titles.

It is not the weight given what you say but the weight given what the titles say.

The SOB is the best evidence of title to the name of child on it.

The BC is best evidence of title to the title:

Notice here there is no me in the equation. I said, the SOB is best evidence of title to THE name of child on it and that the BC is best evidence of title to the title. The one with colour of title has the best claim except against the one holding the true title (e.g. land patent/SOB). The exception to that of course is that the holder of a BC has the best evidence of title to that title held by the government because they say it is the intent of your folks to give you the name on the SOB.  BC is not authorized as personal id.

So it is not about me but that I hold a BC which is the best evidence of title to the title and that the government is holding the title I have best title to. This may be why a BC is a ‘valuable token’.

Do your own research.

With Love