
Earn Silver Coins For Free

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Hi Lovers

The attachment is shared as a gift.  The registration (paper trail) mentioned is of a birth and the document the SOB/COLB.

I do not include a copy of the SOB/COLB or BC. I said what I said and steered the County to seek the truth. I know they cannot trace the name to me, but even if they did, for whose benefit was it secured by registration? If mine, they know they will have to pay me what they expect to gain from me, or, if not secured for my benefit, to stick the liability to me is fraud.

The debts are based on court ordered fines and by going to the CAO of the corporation I am going to the source. Dealing with debt collectors is easy but they just pass the account to another collector. This method goes to the source, the actual claimant.

If you choose to use the letter you do so at your own risk.

I love you!