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Monday, January 23, 2012


Your Majesties

These are some general thoughts.

As we know the SOB is the foundation document of the BC and the BC is an extract or colour of title. The BC is also considered as a foundation document for Canadians. This gives birth to a legal person as Canadian Citizen and denotes a legal person or legal capacity.

Firstly, it may be that by using the colour of title (BC) in the public as we have, personal id, is why we end up with colour of title to whatever we get.  Hence working from the SOB, the foundation document is likely a better choice.

Now this legal person thing. You are either in your natural estate, capacity, as a sovereign, or in that of a legal person and it is the latter that is recognized in law and that is under statutory jurisdiction and subject to statutory authorities.

For example. Our friend signed in as the alleged tenant after having got the SOB in evidence. By signing in as such he was not identifying himself as a legal person, in that case, the tenant. A government lawyer appeared and told the court it does not have jurisdiction over this man, thus we can say in that case; man maintained his natural capacity as sovereign man and the existence of the SOB in the court record and him signing in as the alleged tenant had something to do with him being taken out of the equation as man. No doubt had he signed in as the tenant he would have been recognized and treated as the tenant, a legal person, capacity.

So to be a sovereign one must act like a sovereign. If you are going to give yourself a title of some sort, if at all, make sure it is one recognized or accepted in law that is true but not one subject to statutory jurisdiction. For example, the title man should be acceptable as that is what we are as should, child of God or son of God. Those titles will likely be ignored if one says that is what he is but then acts like a legal person. If you say you are a sovereign you’d best have proof to satisfy whoever you are trying to convince but I see no need for that as a sovereign is known by his actions. I doubt that the Queen goes around saying, I am the sovereign. She knows she is and simply walks the walk as did Jesus. This is the attitude we should consider adopting.

As Lee points out, man can be many capacities in law. I have read where one man played four roles/capacities and he was the only man involved. So, in one instance you may act as a legal person but in another act as a sovereign, or king, or another legal person. This may explain why in one instance you acted as a legal person that a debt or obligation was created but then can address it in another instant as sovereign. It seems to me that is what G did when she asked the court registrar to settle a debt and the registrar did. She as a legal person incurred a debt, defaulted and the bank got the judgement. Her next move she used the SOB along with a copy of the court judgement and asked that they settle the debt. It is settled.

Another example is the word driver. When you applied for and got a D.L. did you agree to change your status from man to that of legal person driver?

I ask that because in traffic court they deal with drivers, legal persons, constructs of legislation, but what if you said, when I applied for and got a D.L. I did not agree or consent to change my status from man to driver nor was I made aware such is the case if such is the case and I did not and do not consent to be a driver. At that point you should be treated as a man competent to use a car on the roads.

This is why it is good in my view to act like a king and ask for what you need because a king does not sign anything or get involved in situations he may be perceived as a legal person; tenant, driver, tax payer, citizen, debtor, creditor, customer, client, employee, bankrupt, person, subject, seller, vendor, buyer, purchaser, owner, etc. Further, a king does not rely on or quote laws is to justify himself by the law is to subject himself to it.

The point of all this is to notice when or how you convert yourself to or allow yourself to be converted from sovereign man to legal person. If it acts like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a legal person duck. If you do not convert yourself to a legal person e.g. to purchaser, or allow it, then you retain your sovereign status. The king does not sign contracts.

So we begin as what we are, men and women. But, at any moment in time we can become a legal person. In other words, the key is not in saying I am sovereign to be sovereign, but stop doing things that make us not sovereign.

The SOB is proof that you came into this world as a  sovereign under the control of your folks, thus, not really sovereign yet. But, at the moment you were no longer legally under the care of your folks is the instant in time you became a sovereign. What we did after that changed things but we can revert back to our true status anytime.

Lottsa love!