
Earn Silver Coins For Free

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hi Lovers

The government holds the SOB/COLB, our evidence of our title, highest authority, to the name on it, thus; our instructions in sovereign capacity, lord, superior, are authorized as the government being the holder of the evidence of your title, it is in capacity as trustee and trustees have that authority to do as instructed.

I mean, if you can open a bank account with an extract surely the trustee can open one with the foundation document (muniment).

In other words, a trustee is with the authority to carry out your instructions so long as they benefit or are good for or not a drain on the trust (his first duty is to the trust as yours should be), but he needs your empowerment to do it which he gets by way of your instructions. In other words, a trustee is with the authority to settle an account but, you must instruct him to do so and you must be in capacity as sovereign when giving the instructions and saying you are sovereign and acting like one is not the same. So don’t say it, act it.

Do you know what it is like to be as a king, lord over a domain in common with others, a good servant? Don’t say it, act it!

And to be clear, the trustees FIRST duty is to the trust not you. Your duty should also be to the trust, the one. If your instructions are not good for or beneficial to the trust, or you make this about you, the ways are many; it may very well be you’ll get no performance or response.

You can see how it is set up that unless all benefit, no detriment, mutual benefit, your instructions will not likely be carried out because they will be deemed not in the best interest of the trust or not in the public interest or constitute breach of trust by trustee. This is like a fail safe in that if ones ego be in control, although he not see it or believe it, it will cloud his intent and come through in his words and actions. Love, voluntarily giving freely mentality and without consideration, voluntarily here to serve other self mentality, voluntarily sacrifice of self for other self mentality or, voluntarily me me me based you damaged me victim-hood mentality. A fine line indeed.

The war ends when two are one: A sovereign who not properly instruct his trustee/servant has an enemy. It not be the fault of the trustee for who but the sovereign is the leader and to who but the trust first and foremost is the allegiance of the trustee owed? Therefore, if the wishes of the sovereign conflict with the duties of the trustee, the trustee would assume full liability should he breach his duty to the trust and will not likely go there.

Consider that when you change… your perception of the trustee will change, but waste no energy to change or CORRECT the trustee.

On the other hand, when you give instructions that are good for or beneficial or not detrimental to the trust, your instructions as a sovereign empower and indemnify the trustee. I use words such as trust and trustee and sovereign and king and lord so the mind has something to latch onto concerning capacity. I am in no way suggesting any such words be employed beyond that.

Of course, before one would consider empowering anything he’d have to know him/herself to be empowered or as the source of empowerment.

With Love