Hi Lovers
Strange title for a post but hopefully we make sense of it.
- Order and Truth -
All order is based up-on real-truth, so the-only way to get back, to true-law, and real-order, is to return to the-real truth. Chinese Proverb.
Ok then, let us begin by taking that advice and heed to this;
Genesis 2:7, and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
and this;
Vital Statistics Act, “birth” means the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a foetus that did at any time after being completely expelled or extracted from the mother breathe or show any other sign of life…………
So, man is of the dust of the ground, earth, thus the body (dead meat) is of the land. Then God breathed life into man and that life occupies the body known as man.
That is a truth we can then move forward from.
The life is not the body but the lyghte occupying the body thus we can say that a birth certificate, given the events surrounding its issue and the facts of life, is a certificate of occupancy, you, the divine, in the body.
So the registration of birth process ACKNOWLEDGES and ACCEPTS, proven by act of registration, the facts of life. Firth there was life/lyghte so we are at the beginning and the foundation of truth.
Now onto some more truth.
Statement of Birth, form folks sign, proves (records) you are the donee of the given names or names given. Those givens name(s) exist in your head. They are not part of any public record as far as originals go. You do not answer to paper you answer to a name you hear and when you hear e.g. mary you, the life, not body, is the one called.
Who those name(s) are TO be received by however is a different story. In your mind you have received and accepted the name(s) but that is not public NOTICE.
Not known, still in transit, on the seas, until the deed, SOB) is properly acknowledged and accepted as donee of the givens name e.g. Mary. Once that is done there is no doubt now that when you say “I am Mary”, you are not MARY SMITH.
Negotiation (transit) is completed by delivery and delivery is past tense for, accepted. You see, until the goods are offloaded it cannot be said delivery has been made let alone the cargo accepted.
So upon notice of acceptance (these terms are found in the bills of exhange act) then delivery has been made, means, landed. No longer in transit or negotiation or at sea. It, the voyage, is finished, and a re-birth/berth.
At this point now we have you who answers to the name mary occupying the body. That concludes part one; opening of first chakra.
Part two is a completely separate but connected situation that until part one is done blocks the second chakra from opening.
Part two is dealing with the birth certificate (BC) and the issue of it and first off, when part one is done there is no way the BC evidences the name on it was given to you by your folks, because on the BC it would show, SMITH, MARY or Smith, Mary.
Further, the law did not compel your folks to give you a name they were going to do that law or no law. Another reason the name you, the life, answers to is not on the BC and the birth record proves it, is acknowledgement.
What I am getting at is, and is the reason i chose the word donee above, the names given me we given freely by my folks whereas the one on the BC had to be applied for and we do not apply for a name but a BC. In other words, a child does not apply to his parents for a name, it is forgiven, but if you want a BC you must apply for it.
Further, for title in the BC to pass to the recipient would have to receive some kind of release or receipt/acknowledgement. The fee paid for a BC is an admin fee, not a contract, no consideration in money or that can be sued on, and full legal title does not pass to the recipient.
So, what the heck is a BC.
I say it is a form of a Crown Grant and i say that because of the information already put above and also because although one may apply for a BC he may not obtain one which means it can be withheld which means if you did obtain one it was granted as is simultaneously the entitlement of the recipient, the body, to be recognized by the name appearing on the BC.
At this point now we have you in the body who answers to the name mary occupying the body recognized by the name MARY SMITH (a legal title).
Remember we are talking of a grant here and that you are not MARY SMITH and the grantor holds the title and the liability. Warranty Deeds are made out by the grantor and the grantor by his hand and seal (see birth certificate/deed) is with liability. All we got is a BC, grant. I think this more of a province type grant than a government grant. Further, if the grantee not be known, e.g. did not accept as grantee, marketable title stands as king.
Since the BC was granted and because the name on it is not the one given us by our folks (see part one) it is granted us by the province. By accepting the deed as grantee we bind the grantor. to his promise. God is the likely real grantor and so even better we accept as grantee. Accept the Father into our heart.
Blacks 4th DEED, at common law, a sealed instrument, containing a contract or covenant, delivered by the party to be bound thereby, AND ACCEPTED BY THE PARTY TO WHOM THE CONTRACT OR COVENANT RUNS. Now it cannot run to you until you accept and it does not run to you but MARY SMITH when dealing with MARY SMITH, hence, it is okay for the body to be recognized by the name MARY SMITH; you are a user, for we are talking the legal title side. I believe the contract is the entitlement to be recognized by the name (offer and acceptance). I am not certain that the acceptance of the BC only is sufficient to bind the grantor.
I see we are on the fee simple side of the fence (common law, grants, gifting, life) and the BC name on the legal title side of the fence (marketable titles. paper,debt, death).
It may be said like this with respect to the BC or part two here.
I, mary, a woman, in the capacity of MARY SMITH am recorded as the grantee on the deed (grant/BC). That is the opening sentence and does not include the acknowledgement and acceptance. This allows me to interface with commerce but without the obligation of being MARY SMITH (i am doing but not in my name but I am grantee after acceptance) or beneficiary or under civil law and if the BC is a grant by grantor, which in my estimation it is considering there is no consideration involved and there is a or signatures and a seal on BC’s and it is not the name given me on the BC, it appears to be a deed at common law, where life is, and I think the party bound thereby will step forth voluntarily once it receives acknowledgement and acceptance. So long as you are in the loop of MARY SMITH as grantee, you mary receives no benefit or recognition. Which is exactly how Father would have it.
They have to because once you acknowledge and accept the SOB deed, for all intents and purposes you are mary and so someone has to take the legal liability for MARY. Part two formalizes or as my good cook friend Chris says, caramelize. Taste better……..haha!
Acceptance is delivery meaning you have landed. The process for acceptance I would say cannot be done and witnessed only by you. I think your witnesses have to know you as mary at which point mary is the one who can accept. That is minor technical stuff.
I am still pondering this through but it was after reading revised statues of Ontario 1950 that I came across Certificate of Occupancy and I saw me in the body occupying it as one with dominion over the earth and a BC as an acknowledgment of that.
In this country when first settled, to get land you had to apply and if you got the grant then your application, offer, was accepted. The point is, if you do not ask how it is you can receive?
Well, we are the children of the promise (deed, contract under seal, lyghte) and as far as I can tell, the government has done it by the book on the basis we are with dominion over the earth and have rights to share of it as seeds-of-lyghte.
Only you can acknowledge and accept what was given you and only you can acknowledge and accept the corresponding BC etc as grantee.
At this point now we have you in the body who answers to the name mary occupying the body recognized by the name MARY SMITH (a legal title) recognized as grantee.
Legal liabilities (title) are in MARY SMITH who is a legal title on the legal title side of the fence and we by virtue of acceptance of the grant/deed as grantee, should as far as I can tell, if any of this is correct, enjoy the ride, inheritance.
It is suggested in the bible to come out of her, to be in the world not of it. I am thinking that means, come out of MARY SMITH as MARY SMITH and be in MARY SMITH as grantee. Your friends call you (the occupant) mary, the public sees your body as MARY SMITH and the information system knows MARY SMITH as a friendly, SON (in law) to be served.
Gives a new meaning to ‘go within or go without’……..hahahahaha!
With love