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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Valuable Token

Hi lovers

As some of you know three of us met with the Deputy Registrar General face to face. At no time did we sense we were lied to or misled.

She said with 5 others in the room; “a BC is not and was never intended to be personal id that it is a valuable token”. When she said that I handed her the BC and she said ” it is not valuable in her hands”.

It is however very valuable in my hands and is why I believe it to be a security. Not a financial type security but one that authorizes the holder to command performance.

Section 337 of the Criminal Code defines who the public servants/trustees are.

It is them you direct. The director directs the actors, those in capacity as other than man or man who is man or director.

So the BC in your hands is this type of security;

Securities Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER S.5


1. (1) “security” includes,

(h) any certificate of share or interest in a trust, estate or association. Nothing to do with money

Section 2 (a) of the criminal code further defines a security as a ‘valuable security”. Are you seeing the picture now? You or the House you are of is the holder of the security and Her Majesty or legislature of a province the issuer and the issuer is the obliged, in this case, to make sure the public servants/trustees perform their duty. The criminal code is to keep them (public servants) in line. That from a retired RCMP.

So you can be, if you so choose, sitting on the throne of power/dominion. You hold the very valuable security and there can only be one master on the account.

As I see it the BC in your hands warrants you to direct the public servants and that Her Majesty agrees. The director directs the actors.

Now as per Webster’s Dictionary “token” includes partial fulfillment of an obligation. Just like a bus token is in that by having it, you gave value and have not used it. The fulfillment of the obligation in the case of a bus token is that the bearer of the token is entitled to ride the bus (obligation of the bus company) and hands over the token to go for a ride. Hence a BC is an obligation of Her Majesty but not, as I said, in a financial sense. The BC has no inherent financial value.

I am not saying you hand over the BC because it is your token for life. It has similar characteristics is all I am saying.

To not take the throne is in my view presumed to be abandonment by you of your God given and Her Majesty recognized right of dominion. You can take the throne at anytime.

Fear and guilt are your worst enemies.

I leave you to ponder these things. More later.

I love you