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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Title in Allodium

Hi Lovers

Here is some information about allodial title or title in allodium.

Land: Lawful Title by Inheritance          

First and foremost, there is no such thing as an “allodial title”! One may hold land by allodial right, or in an allodium, but there is no Lawful piece of paper that says “Allodial Title” at the top of it. An allodial right is a right found in the lex non scripta, the unwritten law – common law – and is not some form of title that can be granted by any civil government.

Before you go any further, look up the definitions of allodium, allodial, and land patent in the many standard and law dictionaries available. A good place to start is at the indexes and links to your left.

Do not confuse a “land patent” with a “title in allodium”! If you learn nothing else from this article, let that point get deep into your understanding and mind-set. When the United States Federal government patented land to anyone, especially after 1863, it merely acted as a legal agent for the People and created a record of who acquired the land, how much land was involved, the price that was paid, and a notice of what, if any, restrictions may have applied to the land. The end. There is absolutely nothing more to a “land patent” issued by the government. The original patentee did not hold his land in allodium, but by right from the civil power. Since he purchased the land, he could not possibly have held the land in allodium because true title to land never passes by purchase.

What have we been doing but purchasing that what cannot be purchased; title to land. What the last two sentences are saying is that because the original patentee purchased the land title did not pass and the patentor is the lord or superior. Up until the first patentee purchased the land, making him patentee, he had the land in allodium as we all do. We can say based on lex non scripta that our inheritance of dominion over the earth is held in allodium.

I would say to that by purchasing not only land but anything we do not know who we are or are not walking the walk of an heir and more significantly, we by purchasing have, on the face, adandon our right of title in allodium. Heirs do not pay for what belongs to them. So if we are going to let the government know we know who we are we have no excuse what is happening to us so long as we do not stand up for our title in allodium. Is short, by purchasing land we are recognizing, know it or not, the government as the lord, superior.

The government does not hold title in allodium either so their land patents are really junk.

Can’t have the cake and eat it to nor can one have title in allodium and the money.This seems to answer why the bank walked away when the guy asked for title in allodium. We have that right and the government cannot give it to us either but by asking for such title we are saying, I am the lord, the superior, it is our land and I do not have to pay a price, you do.

I am told there are forms on the government website for the province that deal with title in allodium but i do not know the truth of that or under what heading the form(s) may be found. If anyone seeks and finds, do let me know please.

Since no one can sell or grant title in allodium, it just is, it may be all we have to say is, I hold title in allodium to that land over there. Does that not fall under dominion over the Earth?

With love