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Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Bad Name


Many of us have claimed that we are sons of God, but a question would be what does a son of God look like or how does a son of God act? Just because it says in the bible blah blah we are sons of God, does it make it so because it is written in a book?

I cannot answer that for certain but will say, many of the actions we have taken and the way we conduct ourselves, we have given the term son of God a bad name.

Seems to me that to be somewhat a true son of God, one must act like one and the son of God, Jesus, in doing what he did when on earth, did it for all of us whereas most of us do what we do for self.

Saying I am a son of God because one heard he is or read he is is fake. There are many sons of God out there acting like victims, that things are happening to them and not seeing it is for them. Telling others they shall do this or shall do that. Issuing orders and commands, not taking responsibility, trying to shift responsibility, and we wonder why the term son of God verbal or on paper carries little or no weight.

I posted a document here April 28th (I think was the date) that is published by the United Nations. It is about Human Right Defenders but is not saying, as a human being this is how you defend yourself or how we do it for you; It is expressing that we can stand up for and speak for all human beings, not only that, but that we should.

If we not stand up for and support each other and our rights and liberties, who the heck will, the Queen, an artificial entity, and complaining will change nothing.

To me a son of God is one who serves the good of all and not his her personal issues. A son of God does not draft letters that address his her own personal issues. If I and you stand up for others to assert the rights and liberties of others, are we not also asserting our own simultaneously?

My ten cents.

I love you