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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What if?

Your Majesty’s, children of the light

We can say that the legal name is made in our image. By that I mean our character / choices are mirrored / accounted via the legal name.

Once allegiance to earthly entities is renounced and allegiance with God declared, that we will observe and maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel, we have an opportunity I believe to do some great good.
How so?

To observe and maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel, study if unsure what the wisdom is, there are certain things one should and should not do. One is that one cannot benefit from commercial activity. Such is where love is not, immunity is waived. God as professed by Jesus is love and God loves a cheerful giver.

Yet, the whole world is based on commercial activity which surely is a reflection of we the people as it is our continued participation in it that perpetuates it. What the world needs now is love. I think I see a way that the legal name, as much as it can be used for commercial purposes, can also be used for loving purposes.

We decide because the image of the name now is based on things we decided. So we can change the image or character of the name by making a new choice. In other words, as much as we can use that legal name to serve self, we can use it in service to do love. As we are spiritual beings of the light / God and the name is a legal entity of government/law (one state foreign to the other) and we have used the said entity that is and has always been of a state foreign to the kingdom of God, our land, we have I would say been serving through an agency of a foreign state. See the State Immunity Act for meaning of ‘agency of a foreign state’.
Therefore, we can use the said agency of a foreign state to serve in accordance with the true profession of the Gospel.

I will leave you now that you may ponder the relevancy and applicability of that.

I would add that all these states set up shop on our Fathers Estate, our land. They act like they own the planet, are the gods, and we keep supporting them by our actual or presumed allegiance. Evidence of such allegiance is in many forms. Example: Obedience to Laws foreign to the Laws of God or that are contrary to said Laws and actions contrary to the true profession of the Gospel. Another may be, nothing in evidence that indicates you are not allegiance with an earthly government or that your allegiance is with God.

I love us