Your Majesty’s
Almighty then. If you have considered the citizenship thing then note as of now you are presumed to be a citizen of a government other than God, and that, you can renounce such citizenship/presumptions whenever you so choose allegiance with God as a Citizen of God under God’s government.
We all enter this world as Citizens of God but by our actions and conduct we have said, I do not know my Father Almighty. I have no allegiance with my Father or the kingdom of God. This in my view is why we are subject to earthy authorizes when Jesus made it clear, I am not of this world therefore allegiance to any state or potentate or sovereignty of this earth is denial of ones status as a Citizen of the kingdom of God.
There are two concepts of a one world government, all one with God or all one with some foreign earthly entity. Foreign in that all things of this world are foreign to those standing as one with God in the kingdom of God.
As you can never separate from God the best one can do is act as if he is separate but we can return whenever we so choose, but, and this is a big but; one cannot partake in commercial activity or do any act or conduct which may be deemed to be of commercial character.
This means, if you renounce citizenship to any and all earthly states so as to enter/return to the kingdom of God, there is a walk that must be walked. There is no excuse. Chose to be of this world or God’s but do know or have an idea what makes one to appear to be a citizen of this world.
The Queen did not take an oath to any earthly state or agency thereof. She as we can do, said she will faithfully observe and maintain the Laws of God, not of Canada or the U.S. of A etc; like citizens of this world do. These are the lost souls, do not know who they are; pledging allegiance to a sovereign that is foreign of the kingdom of God. Fake gods and in any case, and this is for you to choose, not our God.
So you all have a choice before you now. To remain as citizens of this world or to be allegiance with your maker, God, the Father Almighty. His yoke unlike the laws of Canada are not heavy.
Is it not said to “come out of her”? “Be in the world but not of it” and one who says or acts or conducts himself like a citizen of Canada is saying, I am of this world because Canada is of this world. As spiritual beings, souls of God, we see one planet called earth and no division like those of this world see boarders that divide terf under various names, each a state foreign to the other.
Making an application for anything is to recognize to whom the application is made as your god, sovereign. Following the rules of some earthly entity is to say, you are my god. I can list a thousand ways we can conduct ourselves in a manner not conducive to sons of God under God’s governance.
So you cannot say I am allegiant with God and cry, how do I get food on the table or money to pay for shit. For to whomever you ask that, by your act of saying that, is to recognize some earthly power has the power to block you from what is yours already and keeps you in the game as a citizen of this world.
Canada, U.S.A. England, China, Australia, Africa, etc. are all foreign to the ONE kingdom of God where we can be if we so choose. I say the day of reckoning is upon those who seriously desire to be free of this world and its governments and constraints.
As per a citizenship judge, “renouncing citizenship is renouncing allegiance to a foreign government” and trust me, trust Jesus, trust Christ, governments of this world are foreign to the government and ways of God.
This I believe is why we are burdened and stuck where we are.
We do that what falls under commercial activity. We recognize, acknowledge and follows laws of this world, we beg, we apply, we ask, do all things asked or expected or demanded of citizens, rights, duties, obligations, yet, such is from states that are foreign to the government of God.
As I have studied and researched much of late about this, one thing has become very clear; the rules we can see that are of these foreign states, do not represent all possibilities. For example, they say you must do this this way, but, if you read the rules there is room for and or provision for special circumstances.
One does not need to renounce citizenship under the Citizenship Act. One can begin with the thought, I never left the kingdom of God, they all think I did. Your inherent rights are still intact right?
We are sovereign except by our actions continue to appear as not sovereign. Sovereigns who partake in commercial activity or court proceedings are not sovereign and this is how they get jurisdiction. Whereas, in the kingdom of God, you cannot partake in commercial activity thus not subject to courts of this world, and here is a kicker, you cannot be made to partake in commercial activity. It must be as per the Supreme Court, voluntary.
So by your choice to renounce concepts you are a citizen of this world, make it known your allegiance is to God, the Father Almighty, and that you will not, no way no how, partake in commercial activity, you are on your way to being recognized as an heir of God with all rights and immunities intact. Unless you believe otherwise nothing can stop you.
What remains of course is how does one not of this world interface with this world yet not be recognized as of it or in commerce. I shall leave that with you to ponder.
I will give a hint, we spoke often of not being the name but being recognized by it. Further, if your allegiance is with God, your Father Almighty; is the BC and legal name appearing on it not from your view, from where you stand in the kingdom of God - ‘of a foreign state? Is the name then not a legal entity that is an organ of a foreign state? Namely, in my case, ONTARIO/CANADA. Do you see one planet called earth or maps with countries/states/governments divided one from another?
You’d be in one state and the BC and name in another and no attachment of name can be made to you by those in any state that is foreign because you are foreign but the name from their view is not as it is in fact of this world they believe in.
Seek first the kingdom of God but we all neglected that tip and sought first the kingdom of personal glory (combatants) which exists only in this world, thus, we are for all intents and purposes, citizens of this world and subject to whatever state the allegiance is or is deemed to have been given.
Just because you are deemed by birth to be a Canadian citizen does not mean you are or have to be that. But, without evidence from you that indicates the contrary, by your silence and acts and conduct, you are.
Choices that seem and may be difficult but from where I sit, to be free of the burdens of this world; must be made and acted upon.
Glory be to ye children of the light.
Time for some serious soul searching. Time to get serious about who you really are, to take it to another level.
With love
p.s. If we each was to renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen, and give allegiance to God, the powers of this world would have no power. But remember, and this is huge; doing anything that is commercial in nature, offering or accepting any consideration that supports a simple contract, you are not in the kingdom of God and can be, and likely at some time or another will be, subjected to the courts of this world where men and not God are judges.