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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Accuracy is paramount

Your Majesty’s

In the past we have said that because the government holds the SOB and issued the BC that it is or should be recognized in law and held liable as the owner of property. I think that incorrect because it is the legal name of the BC that is shown on documents concerning ownership, thus debt.

The question in my view with that in mind is; who then has the liability for that name? As stated previously, do you see your signature on the BC or any document associated with the event of your birth? In any case, I think it more accurate to indicate the legal name is recognized in law as the owner of the property and build from that standpoint.

In Ontario the permit for a car it is clear what will be recognized in law as the owner, in my case BVR, and below that is the place for the owner to sign. Should you sign you are saying I am the owner but in reality all you are doing is taking on the liability of ownership and as a side effect, causing others to see you as the legal name.

Same for land deeds, bank account, blah blah.

If batman was to cause damage it would be batman held liable in law because batman did it. The question then would be, since batman is no more real than the legal name/title, who or what has the liability for damages caused by batman? The author (creator of the title batman) or the actor?

Furthermore and I touched on this back in February, citizens have rights and duties ascribed by laws of Canada making the citizen governed by laws of man, and subjects of Her Majesty, et al, must be subjects over-ruled by a earthly authority. Maybe then, you wish to reconsider your allegiance, e.g. declaring it to be to your creator or the God of nature and renounce all other allegiances for certainty. It is your right to choose.

I think one can set a clear path out of dodge by indicating that it is the legal name, not the government, that is recognized in law as the owner of property. This it seems is why the lawyers and others work so hard to stick the legal name to you as if you are that name/character/batman.

Once the legal name is acknowledged by you as the owner of property, all that remains to focus on is having it that you are not that legal name.

Be prepared to deal with the things you did in the past such as, the placing of your hand as evidenced by your signature down where the owner signs. I shared that back in 2006 I signed for BVR and a conviction was not registered and no attempt made to collect on a fine. I mentioned to a lawyer what i had done and he said by signing For I was not accepting liability, therefore, it was not me charged or convicted and I cannot be BVR, for if I am BVR there is no escape from liability.


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