Dear Fellow Creations of Nature
Tis to the Creator of life we should have our allegiance. Allegiance with any other creator or creation is the death of life end of story. All so called commercial and legal remedies and or any remedy having nothing to do with nature is NOT A REMEDY. We are killing ourselves going down any road but what serves nature and beleive it or not, us, as we are organs of nature.
Death and destruction of people and resources for conversion to what; paper called money which is down to a keystroke entry in a computer. These gurus charging big fees to wake you up are not waking you up. They are aiding and abetting in the death of life. They are perpetuating a lie because anything not of nature is a lie, false god, false profit (gain), whatever you want to call it, if it did not grow out of the ground, it is not of nature yet we are organs of nature, the Creator of life.
I highly recommend you watch this video and pay attention at around the 102 minute point. Read the text that is displayed, all of them from that point on. The solution, the answer, part of the remedy, the other part waking up from the fairy tale dream, is right there is those text posts in that video. I highly recommend watching all of their current up to date videos as together they do a great job in my view of hitting the nail on the head. They are sharing a viewpoint of how one sees the world through the eyes of nature. Nature knows not fiction, or characters or roles or uniforms or titles or authority, or rule, or governance, or vengeance, or retribution, or battles, or wars, or commercial activity, or balancing acts, or stations, or laws rules or regulations, and for sure knows nothing about creations of the mind except maybe one, they are the death of life.
Go to scroll down to and watch ‘The Dream for Life – Part B – System Science…..
I think you all who are waiting for some external life form to save us are in a state of consciousness that is foreign of what you really are. People throughout history keep speaking of and repeat this savior mentality. How the heck can any outside influence save those who will not save themselves is perpetual no growth. Grow up people. Did nature spit out these so called higher evolved beings? Have you met one? At this point then they are creations of the mind. Oh but they speak through others. Yes, and come out of the mind of a man. Did nature pick those people to speak for nature? What remedy do they offer if any and by that I mean, that is good for nature.
We, us here and now are the ones that can when we so choose turn things around here and now and we need no help from some external entities. The longer we wait is disrespecting our responsibility right here right now to the Creator of life of which we are. You want money you worship the creator of the money as the Egyptians worshiped the sun rather than its creator. You want court rights and time you worship the dead, creations of the mind, someone elses intellectual property. To do so you cannot be you, you must take on a role that nature knows not what it is because it did not, the role you must play, come out of the womb of a woman anymore than judges or lawyers. You must follow rules that are creations of the mind thereby worshiping the intellectual property right holders which is not us or not meant to be us because nature has no use and gives no thought to such hogwash.
Right, title, interest, trust, executor, all things other than of the state of nature are all creations of the mind and our participation in such requires the death of life of which we are. What excuse have you now?
Many want freedom yet do that what is totally contrary to the freedom they have if they’d but be who they are and serve the Creator of life. It is that creator that you are, that you breathe, have blue skies and rain and sun and wind and snow, and fun and each other, and trees and fields of grass green as green can be, and there is no greater beauty.
Our attention is being drawn away from nature and who we are and our part in and for it to a reality that is nothing more that intellectual property, creations of the mind, a fairy tale. A dead world as thoughts lack the sense and senses that is life. We see man attempting to improve on nature. No doubt creations of the mind and where has that got us?
The peace and happiness we seek is right here right now in nature. As we have allowed our attention through mind control to turn our attention from nature, we are in fact supporting the very entities some think outside forces are coming to get rid of. Even if this is true, what good will it do given the changes required for everlasting change and peace must come from within. I cannot say but will say that when the earth was created it was perfect. Everything has a purpose and all things in balance. And then along came man with ideas to improve this. The best foreign entities can do is clean up our mess but unless we elevate in consciousness, which if we do we’d not need outside assistance, we will no doubt be with our old ways of thinking and perceiving. How will we ever elevate if some outside entities keep cleaning up our mess? What lessons will we learn if we can sit back and fuck things up saying, oh they will come back and help save us and the planet from these men we keep empowering to lord over us and it will all be ok. And even if they did clean the place up, we’d all be lost at sea because the clean up to be the true remedy, would be to return earth to her former perfect state of health which will not include all the so called comforts we rely on. They would not exist, are you ready for that? Anything less is not a remedy and is no stepping stone. We have to change and the outer world will reflect it. It reflects us now.
The change would be gradual given we have a lot of programming to clean out before we can have a teenie tiny semblance of what it is to see the world through the eyes of nature, therefore, we must be an integral part of that change.
As all are of the one Creator of life all have access to the same power and if we keep relying on outside help are we not denying our potential and how can we ever elevate in consciousness with this they will save us consciousness?
It is a crock to keep your mind where it is, weak, helpless, slave, master – servant ,viewpoint. There is but one system we need and there is but one system that is real and that one system and the basis of it is perfect. That is the system we should function through and no other; it is right here right now for you and it is perfect. It is called, the natural system, the one man destroys installing his systems all of which draw on nature to power them at the cost of life. We must serve that what gives and maintains our life.
Anyhow, I strongly recommend you view the video at the link provided herein and that you view parts A, C, and D, and the Ben Lowery interview and the video, The Name is the Mark of the Beast……….They all have a common theme and are certainly helping me de-program the mind. The Matrix is real, the men controlling life are real, and the only reason either exist is because we keep playing in the game they created.
If it did not grow out of the ground, rest assured, it is not real or life sustaining. You slave to pay a lawyer legal fees. You are life, a lawyer is not, so there must be a transfer of life energy from the nature side to the dead side. That is but one example how we help kill life. How we are terrible executors (organs) of the state of nature. Notice there was no mention of the executor of an estate; not in the legal sense anyhow. Estates are creations of the mind, fiction, bull shit.
I am by no means suggesting we do not receive guidance or inspiration from the Creator of life, but that if the Creator of life speaks to me it can speak to you and the message for me is for me and the one for you is for you. In other words, the Creator of life does not speak to all through any one of us.
500-700 years of Jesus is going to come back and save us has instilled such belief in our consciousness of needing to be saved we are being set up by the authors of that book to be saved alright but it will not be a divine or Creator of life saving remedy. As a result of this and other ongoing programing, creating beLIEf systems, and our continued support, we will welcome this savior with open arms.
Nature needs no saving. As organs of nature we need only be good organs and serve the body of nature so it can serve us. The better we serve nature the better nature serves us.
This savior is coming stuff is a cop out, a way out for us rather than taking responsibility as co-creators here and now. It is masonic stuff. Nature knows not future so saying ‘is coming’ to save us is a clear indication the ones saying that are out of contact with nature. Out of contact with who they are. Out of contact with here and now, yet, here and now is all there is.
So, are you as an organ of the Creator of nature going to serve that what gives and maintains your life or are you going to serve that what is destroying life? Hmmmm, that poor apple tree. Out there in the cold, no roof over its head. Burning in the sun and tattered by the wind, terrible. We should fix that and improve life for that apple tree. Ya right.
No no, there are some galactic beings or Messiah on the way who will fix all this up for us. After all, they do what they do so we do not have to deal with the mess of our irresponsibility. Folks, we will forever remain useless canon fodder if we hold that viewpoint.
I say again, nature is a perfectly created system. It is the one system that has and will outlive all others as it is the only one that is real. We may kill each other off by our selfish evil ways (e.g supporting fiction) but nature will live on. Or, we can turn our attention back to nature, that what is real, that what creates and maintains life so we can be maintained in the stead of life, us, maintaining the tempters, the offerors of lies and deception and no truth, and worse yet, the acceptors of these lies and un-truth.
The first step for your remedy is to wake up from the fairy tale dream. Then speak man to man in the stead of fiction to fiction as we have been. Dear man, also known as John, also known as Minister of creation of the mind known as justice.
I love us.
Consider this. Pick any title you want, such as lawyer, doctor, technician, judge, secretary, clerk, driver, tenant, and ask yourself. From where did they originate? Man. Okay, so now another man comes along and fills that office. Question and i know the answer so this is for you;by filling that office does the man or woman filling it, playing that role, become more powerful than being a man or woman? In other words, does a man playing lawyer have more power or authority than a man who is man? Of course not. How can a title created by man give the creator of the title or anyone playing that role more power than the creator had at the time of making the thing created?
So, it seems to me that the highest authority is man who is man and that ,man who is man can direct that what is created by man. But, one would have to be awake, free of the dream to even consider such. You see, in the dream the titles have various levels of power. To be free of that one must exit the dream, the fairy tale, the beLIEf systems. From there he can see the joke of it all. He sees fancy nice costumes those in the dream wear and may even comment on that whilst making clear he is not part of the show or is a director. Man cannot tell man what to do is assault if it affects his purposes, but, man can tell fictions (lawyer, doctor, clerk, etc) what to do because those roles are not man. For a fiction to say man is not the greatest power is to take away all power of the role the man plays and levels the playing field either way because if man lacks power so to does the title created by man. The big difference being, the created cannot control the creator. Lawyer (title created of the mind) cannot control man but lawyer can control VBR if the character has life. The only way VRB has life is if I appear as that character.