From Terry: Mmm I would have thought the ‘Mistake’ was claiming the ‘Name’ as one’s own not realizing that you cannot ‘own’ anything anyway so no money was actually borrowed or contracted by the Man/Woman. I would argue that the contract of borrowing would actually be valid with full disclosure which obviously didn’t occur. Not only by the fact that you never actually owned what you thought you owned (you cannot own anything anyway) and the contract being void entirely by non-disclosure. That of course is if we believe we have actually contracted in the first place.
Therefore one is merely pointing out the ‘Mistake’ of claiming the name as ones own in the first place and seeking forgiveness for doing so. This is in fact what Wendy recently did as well. This must then subsequently affect any spurious contracts that may have been unwittingly entered into under false information.
Well these are my thoughts at the moment anyway

Hallow: There is a lot of focus on claiming the name or not. That is not the issue, we are source/origin of all credit. As much as that credit can be used to create money for a mortgage, it can be created to make purchases. The mistake then is us not knowing we are the source of credit. If we did, we would not ask for loans and thus would not be subject to breach of contract. We would have no debts and lack would be foreign to us.
So long as I am recognized as a source of credit upon presentment of a BC, does it matter if I am recognized by or as the name BVR or as its owner? No. The fact is, as source of credit the name is your name in that your credit is accessed through that name. The question is, have you given it freely or are you withholding and if the latter; THAT IS WHY PEOPLE ARE SUBJECT TO ATTACK BY THE SYSTEM.
The name forms part of the system so your credit can flow to the system so it can serve you. It cannot serve you if you do not serve it or will serve you to the extent you serve it but the system like all systems, is designed to operate on no less than 100% of the required energy; in this case in the system that equates to credit.
If you have given your credit freely to the system you would not be subject to attack because the system would already have from you what it wants; your most value fresh air debt free credit. As the sole source of credit, if we do not let it flow freely into the system via ‘your name’ like you do with ‘your body’, then the system will send agents (sp’s) to get it from you e.g. by way of laying charges.
We must fund our way with our credit to be free of the usurer. Unless you fund your own account there is no other source of funding but via the usurer and that holds the bonds and is due the interest payment portion. In other words, all income money presently used to fund bank accounts is borrowed and burdens birthed; whereas if you fund ‘your account’ with ‘your credit’ in ‘your name’, you are the source and there is no repayment obligation. No debt, no interest not income tax.
Claiming the name, no it is not the issue, not allowing your credit to flow freely is. You can be in the debt or credit circuit, you decide.
Some here seem to believe the government owns the name. It does not. Birth certificates are issued as proof of the birth of a life events is what they mean by not personal id, and life events are the sole source of all credit.
Have you noticed that the system does not work against those who serve it? Who bring it value? Who bring it fresh air, revenue?
I shared this in the post ‘Source of all Credit’; your credit is not meant to be used for your benefit. It would be like the divine using its energy for itself and if it did we would surely suffer or things would not be as they is. You are not registered the name is so the system must recognize the name. If you feed your gilt-edged credit to that name for the benefit of the name, give your credit freely, the system will see the name is funding the system with debt free money, what I call fresh air. The system would then protect and serve the name and thus you would not be subject to attack or jurisdiction. Why would it once it knows you know you are source of credit. Heck, you may be asked to provide funding for projects that are good for us all once you are recognized as a source of free money.
If you are in a closed room and the air is stale and you found a wee hole where fresh air is blowing in, would you not turn your attention away from all else and pay it to that hole and breathe that fresh air? Our debt free credit flowing into the system would have the same effect. In this analogy the stale air is debt currency and the fresh air debt free currency.
So you can play the name game all you want but all you are doing as far as I can tell is avoiding the truth or real remedy. YOU ARE A SOURCE OF GILT-EDGED CREDIT. There is no other SOURCE/ORIGIN/FOUNDATION.
Now when you fund the name with your credit the name can make purchases and you get use and the currency is debt free which sends fresh air throughout the system. To say someone else owns the name is to say someone else has claim to your credit. To ask who has the liability for the name means you do not know you do or that you can cover the liabilities with your own gilt-edged credit, meaning you do not have to work to get the money.
You can be the source or someone else or thing can be. If you draw an income someone else is the source and to that source a return must be made; hence income taxes.
So there are three ways money goes into circulation. Through wages funded by your credit, through loans funded by your credit, or directly from ‘your’ bank account funded with your credit. One way you work for money the other you serve (love) with your unlimited credit and since you are not asking for a loan, there is no risk there is no need for a credit report.
So issues revolving around the name as missing the mark. The government has no gold or credit to have monetized which is why it put us up as the gold, gilt edged credit. The government has not the ability to pay, it gets it from us. It has no credit it has no gold, we are it.
So, to ask who has the liability for the name or to expect the government to cover it or you doing anything but stepping up to the plate and issuing your debt free credit in satisfaction, is like asking the dead to provide life and since the dead cannot provide life, they, the legal entities, will go to you for it; Vicous cycle.
Take responsibility for your choices knowing you are the means to satisfy any obligation for any amount and the end result is, your credit flows freely into the system, giving it life, a breath of fresh air, love, relieves the burdens on others and you get use of property in your legal name. Your does not mean you own it but it is your name to use.
As it is, it appears the name is used against you. What I see is that is happening because the system spits out the BC’s (BC is proof of birth of life event) it knows we are source of credit, but because we are not giving it freely it will extract it one way or another by charging the name. But if the system knows you are giving your credit freely which is converted to debt free currency, it does not need to extract it anymore and as I say, you may be asked to provide for some free money (love) to be used to do some good. The infrastructure is falling apart. Many are focused on doomsday rather than a solution that such a thing need not occur.
Injecting debt free money, fresh air into the system is the way. Nothing else need be done.
Wake up to who you are.
End of the Line.
With love