Hi Lovers
Movies like the Matrix and Tron are showing us the system and its components. It is like we exist in a giant organic based computer, or one that started that way. There is only one thing that is not in or of the system, the source of power.
I thank Lee for the fine job of interpreting and putting in simple terms the following perspective. Key words here are master control program (mcp), sub-programs (sp), and source energy.
The mcp, not government, is the head honcho and all sp’s created under the authority of the head honcho, which in non-digital or physical terms is the Constitution.
Tis the mcp that all sp’s must respect and honour. Hint here for you folks is you are wasting your time going to the sp’s because their allegiance is to the mcp and ultimately the system. The reason and the only reason the sp’s have no obligation to you other than within the rules of the program that created a particular office of ministry or agency, sub-agency, blah blah is because the mcp does not see you as its source of power.
The most important aspect of any system is from where will the energy come to run it. Constitution (mcp) is by the people for the people but that only works if the people serve the mcp. But, as Lee points out, everyone serves for the money and so money has become the known source of energy (god/life blood) but money represents value and that value is us, our production/OUTPUT, which for the mcp is valuable input; energy.
Men and women do not make up any part of the system as we are its power supply, but, men and women who are persons (taxpayers, drivers, tenants, etc.) are not respected because they are hungry sources of energy; they want the money for their energy. They want more to get than to give.
The Constitution was drafted by the people to serve the people but since the people not serve it (the system) freely and unconditionally it cannot serve us freely and unconditionally.
So the key then is to get the mcp to see us as its source of energy which to the sp’s makes us God. Tis the mcp that controls the sp’s and so when the mcp sees you for who you really are, you must walk the walk for it to see you as source energy, it can then serve you. Basically the system is serving us to the extent we serve it. It is because we not serve it freely and unconditionally, as intended, the original instruction, or basis of the system, that they system does not see us for who we are and that is why you are under or subject to attack by the sp’s.
As a source of energy if you not give it freely it will be taken. End of story because the divine objective/intent is to get you to give it freely. That you love to live and live to love. To get joy from serving other self; you-self, all are One.
Confirmation of this is the birth certificate. One way or another the system will get our energy or some of it. I say again and really hope this sinks in. The only reason people are under attack or subject to taxes or paying money is because they not serve of love. They do not give their energy freely.
The only thing we have that is ours to give is our energy. No nation, or system can function without a source of energy. The constitution would have no purpose if it not be to serve, but it cannot possibly do so if we not serve it, the system, because where else is there to draw energy but from us. We is the source energy, there is no where else to go.
We can give our energy freely, do love, or not and it is the not part we are doing that life is the way it is. Imagine you control the switch to the power supply to your stove and you cut the power from 100% to 50% or 25% or 99%. Can the stove operate as intended? We are by not giving 100%, starving the system and for that we starve, or, have not experienced nirvana.
Above I said there is one aspect of the system, any system that is not part of or is external to the system, the source of energy. In legal terms, once the mcp sees you as a source of energy giving 100% unencumbered energy, the jurisdictional issues are solved because you are out of the system now; external. Like God, in and around and transcendant of everything.
Further, the mcp’s first and primary concern is and always has been to maintain, ensure, an energy supply. Hence courts to enforce payments and tax collectors which is all about money as source energy being returned to source to keep it going but again, as said above, money is not source energy but perceived as that because all people serve for money, so the eyes and ears and voice for the mcp, the system, see only money as their source of life. We can probably say that all persons are sp’s.
My point here is that the system operates on the basis that a return must be and shall be made to source. Just like you pay money back to a bank. If you do not give back, action will be taken, assets seized or garnishment.
The system lives off money/form/information, but the mcp knows source energy, you, need substance; hence, right to life and that speaks to the sp’s not to mess with source energy but as said above, if source energy is not recognized as source energy, e.g., he serves for money or not love, then he is a person and since persons are of the system he is an sp. No men here.
Anything and everything formed under the authority of the constitution is an sp. Birth certificates are issued under the authority of section 92 of the constitution and there is our connection to it as its source of energy, the reason it is and has purpose. I do not, but if you sense the constitution is being used against you or is a bad thing or is being abused you are probably correct, but, it is because it was drafted by people not to screw people but to serve people but even the servant with the best of intentions can only serve to the extent the servant is served, provided what is needed to serve, in this case of ourselves, our energy.
A birth certificate as we know is not intended to be personal id, it is meant that you be recognized as a source of energy; LIFE EVENTS are that.
By not giving freely we are withholding energy and a withholding of all or some energy is not good for any system, and in this case it has caused the system to change from its original instructions, just as we have, and gone into survival mode; a matter of life and death.
I hope this is making sense here. You have to see that everything is energy and the flow of it. Main thing is to know you are a source of energy and that without people, what purpose or power can any mcp/constitution have and so have no doubt we are connected to the system under the authority of the mcp but as source of energy, not sp’s.
Life events are not sp’s but the only source of energy for the system we are in, but, man can take on the role of many a sp, which if he does, he cannot be recognized by the mcp (constitution) as a source energy. Now it becomes a battle of the sp’s when all you folks need do is wake up to who you are and the war will be over because once you are recognized by the mcp as source energy giving 100% freely, it will do whatever is necessary to make sure no sp messes with you and that you are well fed. What some may call constitutional guarantees but the guarantees are based on you giving your energy (100%) freely and unconditionally.
Pay attention here: The constitution was not drafted on the basis we will or must serve for money. To do that would be like designing a system that draws power from itself. In other words, there would be no external power source and we all know a power source is a must. We are that external power source but we’ve gone internal and that is why the sp’s can see you as sp’s. It is not the name that gets you but that you act like an sp in the stead of being a source of energy.
To clarify, it is the mcp that must see you as source energy. I think Lee is correct that no sp can communicate to the mcp that you are source energy. When the mcp recognizes you for who you are, it is not that the sp’s will but that the mcp will send a command to the sp’s to protect and serve source energy; you.
Simple as that folks.
Peace is with us……………