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Friday, January 28, 2011

To be a Man – Addendum

The following text is from the .pdf file, To Be a Man - Addendum, (click to download, .pdf file format, you need a .pdf reader to read it).

To be a Man – Addendum


This specific purpose of this Addendum is to show you how the way of life described in the ‘To Be a Man’ e-book, can be achieved, and how putting foot to path in this way can bring unparalleled joy to our lives; in fact both myself and my wonderful wife do attest to the truth of that statement.

To live absent the rule of fear, to love those who seek to cause you harm, to devote your energies to the service of others; these are the things that bring us joy. But how do we achieve the peace of mind necessary to embrace these ideals? What practical steps must be taken to alter the way we are viewed by the commercial system? How do we let go of the chains which seek to limit the evolution of our consciousness; media propaganda and manipulation, the unconscious fear tactics of those around us, and the rule of our own egos to name but a few?

Largely speaking the journey to such a place of understanding is a spiritual one which is why I recommend to you in your search, the works of Adyashanti[1] and the Christ Letters.[2] Despite the title of the latter they are not religious or dogmatic and have helped me to come to a far greater ‘knowing’ of the laws of existence and the workings of the human consciousness whilst also providing excellent direction on practices such as meditation. The batman audios have also been an invaluable tool for attaining the correct mindset and heart space.[3]

Also recommended is a study of word etymology and language.[4] Simply understanding, for example, that in the language of legalese ‘must’ means ‘may’ will make it much easier for you to see the comedy value of the supposedly serious and ‘important’ communications sent to the name and the absolute lack of power that the agents of the system really have over you when considered in conjunction with the truth about the name.

Notwithstanding the above it is, in my experience, only through meditation and inner reflection that the way of life we describe is possible. Many people are afraid to spend any significant amount of time on such practices, and understandably so; the construct has painted a fictional picture of who we are, a picture which in most cases is a blasphemy against the magnificence which is our true selves. Consequently we are reluctant to employ practices which may unearth something about ourselves that we would rather not be reminded of. The amazing thing is that when, through practices like meditation, we peel back the layers of the construct, what we are left with is a version of ourselves which is superior in every way; stronger, smarter, more complete, and with a capacity for love and good will that a mind ruled by the ego is incapable of even comprehending.

As with most positive changes in our lives, a leap of faith is necessary. Prior to making that leap, the gap which we wish to bridge is unknown in both size and character, and the imaginings of our rational mind will envisage a chasm that requires an impossibly large leap. This is absolutely not the case – the leap of which I speak is a mere step, akin to exiting a train onto the platform, it is only the fog created by our limited human consciousness which makes this small step seem like an insurmountable obstacle. All you need to step off that train is a little trust; trust in yourself as creator of your own reality, and trust in the power of the universal to deliver your creations.

When I began writing this addendum I quickly stopped doing so because I felt unworthy to write a text about some of the topics covered. Consequently for over a month these pages have been gathering electronic dust. How could I, for example, tell others how to overcome fear when I still have moments, albeit occasional and relatively brief moments, of anxiety myself? The notion of doing so appeared to me to be symptomatic of the self righteous and ego-centred behaviour that this series of texts seeks to expose and overcome.

I am reminded today however that life is a journey. The words contained herein then merely represent my own personal experiences whilst travelling a road which I have not yet reached, and cannot by definition ever truly reach, the end of. Whilst it is true that we are each perfect just the way we are, it is my hope that you will see the imperfections in the writer and, for the benefit of your own journey, take solace in the paradoxically perfect yet imperfect nature of man.

This text will make little sense if it has not been read in conjunction with the preceding text – To be a Man.

Before we properly start this discourse, and owing to the many references to ego-driven behaviour which follow, I wish to re-cover in a little more detail what is meant when I speak of our ego-protection tendencies. The ego is not an intrinsically negative thing, as we have said before its main purpose is to ensure the survival of the human self. It does this through the use of your thoughts, words and deeds – employing these tools to draw to, and create for, you the necessities you require in order to survive, whilst also repelling any occurrences or circumstances which it deems a threat to your survival. It is for this reason I refer to its tendencies as being magnetic in nature – it attracts and rejects; it bonds and repels. The primary reason for referring to the ego as being a negative influence over us however is not just to do with its function as described above; in fact it would be fair to say that in some ways the ego is essential to our survival – as is the case for every other living creature on the planet. The problem however is that as an intelligent species we have subconsciously subverted the true purpose of the ego and devised ever more ingenious ways of applying those tendencies not just for our survival, but also for embellishing our reputations in an attempt to make ourselves superior to our neighbours. These traits which we all, to some degree, possess are responsible for all of the conflict in the world without exception, and if we wish to create a more peaceful world this is something that we each must face up to and overcome. The challenge is not to purge ourselves of the ego all together, if we did so we would cease to exist as we do; the challenge is to understand its effect over our individual lives and work consciously to overcome its negative aspects – those aspects responsible for our sense of separateness and our sense of self preservation at the expense of others. Through service to others we are able to break down the hold which the ego has as our main controlling influence and in so doing reduce our sense of separateness so that we come to understand more and more with each day that passes the truth that we truly are all one. In this way the ego can become a positive tool which we can use for the betterment of all mankind; a tool which we use like any other, as opposed to one which uses and controls us.

In respect of the creation process which is referred to equally as frequently, and for the benefit of the less spiritually inclined – as a comparatively intelligent species our modern science has made great strides in discovering for us the fundamental nature of the ‘real’ world; we now understand that we live in a universe which operates in accordance with some basic laws, for example every cause shall have an effect and every effect must have a cause. In addition quantum physics has shown us that all matter is essentially non-existent – at the fundamental level the only thing which actually exists is electro-magnetic energy, which science remains unable to properly break down and explain in any comprehensive way. This is what the spiritual community might refer to as the nothing out of which comes everything, or universal consciousness. What has however been ascertained is that our human senses are capable of perceiving just 0.05% of the electromagnetic spectrum, thus 99.95% of all that exists is as yet unexplored or understood. Furthermore studies on intent and prayer have shown beyond all reasonable doubt the power of thought in influencing our environment. When I speak of employing, or rather not compromising, the function and output quality of the ‘creative process’ it is these processes to which I refer – every cause must have an effect; thus you get back what you give out. Our thought is creative; thus we are able to direct that which returns to us as we so desire. When we attempt to control an outcome in a manner which we have conceived with our minds using only limited input data (0.05%), we restrict the endless possibilities which could manifest from the whole. Whilst I accept that scientific proof of such phenomena is as yet inconclusive, it is also logical to presume that we do not solely exist in the 0.05% of reality which we are capable at present of perceiving; if we are made of electro-magnetic energy we must exist across its full spectrum. As with every great scientific discovery to date an imagination and leap of faith is required if science is ever to properly tackle this most important of issues. That aside the proof of the pudding, in this case, is in the doing. I am unaware of anyone who has, with full faith, made a concerted effort to engage the ‘creative process’ and not reaped the fruits of what they have sown. As with everything else in life we must reach beyond that which we have been told by others and create for ourselves the futures we desire. The tools are there, it is up to us to learn how to use them properly.

The Mindset

Possessing the correct mindset is fundamental to the success of implementing these principles. Not only for their application to our lives in general but specifically in respect of dealing with the commercial system. In fact the responses we receive from our interactions with the system are good indicators of the quality of our understanding and ability to practice what we preach.
If we still look at judges, police officers or any other agents of the system as corrupt, dishonourable or tyrannical we will likely come up against significant resistance, not because these agents are corrupt, dishonourable or tyrannical, but because when we possess that mindset it will be almost impossible to interact in a peaceful manner – even if we think we are doing so – it is a near impossible task to speak words of peace under pressure when we are harbouring any kind of resentment for those with whom the intercourse is taking place. I am not suggesting that all agents are honourable and of moral fortitude, the fact is that their dispositions are of little consequence to us on this path, and to confuse the issue by entertaining thoughts to the contrary will only serve to hinder our progression. What we see in others is never anything more than a reflection of ourselves and for that matter what we see in others they most likely will see in us. Thus if we wish to be seen as peaceful and honourable we have no alternative but to look for and find those qualities in others. We truly are all one; we come from the same source; at the fundamental level all matter shares the same consciousness.

My personal experience has evidenced the truth of the foregoing – having thus far, since turning away from all conflict based ‘remedies,’ had the pleasure of dealing exclusively with honourable agents. Were they all decent people? Who cares? Our thoughts, intentions and perspectives create for us the reality we choose to live in. Does it matter whether a misguided soul directs hostility towards us? No, what matters is how we view that hostility and how we choose to deal with it. Our realities are not shaped by the actions of others but by the thoughts, words and deeds which we have employed to bring forth that hostility in the first place and the thoughts, words and deeds we employ to deal with the situation when it arises.

Never forget that those agents are our brothers and sisters, we are from the same source; we are one and the same. To harbour ill thoughts to another is to harbour ill thoughts towards ourselves; we reap what we sow – as difficult as this may be to embrace as an ideal, it is the truth. To ignore it is a disservice to ourselves.

As was discussed in the preceding text, in order for something new, a new ideal or way of life, to be able to manifest in our lives, the old way, the construct, must first crumble. Reflect for a moment on the following statement – “MY resistance to events/situations/people/opinions is the cause of ALL discord in MY life.” Do you think that is true? Or would you resist that statement also? The question is do we allow these changes to occur, adapting and flowing with the current of life, knowing and embracing the fact that nothing stays the same, or do we resist the necessary change – allowing the ego drives magnetic repulsion tendencies to take control? It’s a pretty simple choice, especially when you are able to see that whether you resist or not, the current will take you along anyway; will you float peacefully on the waves or swim frantically against the flow? – The only difference between the two being our ability to maintain presence of mind and a sense of true perspective.

Rational and logical thinking are, more often than not, displays of the egos controlling tendencies; to be “out of our minds” is a truly wonderful gift[5] – when we do so our intuition has a voice, and in my experience what it speaks of is of far greater use to us.

Without having first come to a place where we are able to forgive those around us, especially those from within fiction land, walking this path can be a little dangerous. If we harbour resentment or anger towards those agents we will most likely display it in some way. If we do display anger or resentment it will be clear that our expressed intention to be of peace is nothing more than words; under these circumstances the only outcome will be a painful one.

The difference between this process/way of life, and the myriad of other ‘truth movement’ ‘remedies’ as well as the commercial system itself is that the latter are invariably conflict based, whereby the necessary component is that there must always be a winner and a loser. This process however is based upon the premise that all parties obtain an outcome which at the very least means that no loss is incurred by any party to an alleged agreement or proceeding; we retain the continued use of the fruits of the earth whilst the allegedly injured party receives settlement from the true owner and liable party for the name. Even the Crown as liable party is not injured; whilst they provide you with indemnification from actions against the name, they receive the benefit of the perceived promise of your future labour to underwrite their system of credit through the birth registration process.

What is the best outcome to any given situation? Is it one where someone wins and someone loses, or is it one where everyone wins? Of course everyone who reads this will say “well it’s the one where everybody wins of course,” but we must ask ourselves whether we truly believe that – do you truly want everyone to win – to facilitate an honourable settlement? Or does some part of you desire to stick it to the man, show him that YOU’RE not going to stand the tyranny/fraud/hostility that HE has wrought upon YOU? I ask these questions because I must. If you walk this path without the correct mindset, the probability that you may cause harm to yourself is high. The purpose of this series of texts is not to encourage the world and his wife to blindly follow and conform to an ideal; that would be symptomatic of the very circumstances which have allowed the current political and economic disasters to flourish. The purpose is simply to outline an alternative to the self serving system currently in operation, and to assist in providing direction to those with whom that alternative resonates and who, following serious inner reflection, consider themselves sufficiently cleansed of anger and hatred to make it happen. Having said that neither is it necessary to live like Buddha, and if we waited until we were proficient at everything before we gave it a go, we would never get anything done; experience from the journey itself is the only way to acquire true knowledge. Only you will know when the time is right to put foot to path, just be honest with yourself and let your conscience lead the way.

Ultimately the only way to truly move forward is to ‘know,’ with all your heart, the simple truth that it is not your name. Your answers to the following questions after serious meditation and contemplation may assist you in refining your mindset if necessary:

Do you still say “MY name, MY license, MY birth certificate, MY mortgage, MY house, MY car,” “they sent ME a bill.”
Are you willing to look at yourself regardless of what you might find?
Have you truly dissolved your old patterns of thinking?
Do you blame anyone else for anything that has happened to you?
Do you want to fight against the system; do you want to get your own back?
Do you know what your own energetic dramas are?[6]
Are you willing to forgive yourself and others because of them?
Are you ready to cease worshipping money?
Do you find it easy to give freely to others?
Who do you surround yourself with?

Correcting Our Mistakes

WE are the ones who initiated the circumstances of our own enslavement, thus it is WE upon whom the responsibility falls to initiate the rectification of our own mistakes which led to that enslavement. There are a few basic ground rules to this process which it is advisable to stick to:

·   Avoid negative statements; when we make a negative statement like “I am not Joe Bloggs,” it is we who are the ones introducing controversy where there was previously none.
·   Avoid negatives in general as far as possible; the vagueness of the English language is such that when we say things like “Is it not true that there is no foundation in nature or natural law why a set of words upon parchment should convey the dominion over land?” it could quite easily be construed that we ourselves are suggesting that it is not true.
·   Minimise the use of statements all together; despite what our egos may like to tell us, we are not intelligent people. In fact the more intelligent you think you are, the more likely you will say something which attests to your stupidity. In the eyes of the law every man is a liar, so you will derive little benefit from making too many statements, yet you increase the likelihood of hanging yourself when you do so. That said some statements are necessary to establish your position.
·   Ask questions; he who is asking questions is as-king.
·   Be humble; this process is a metaphor for the religious process of repentance, thus the level of humility employed will directly affect the quality of the fruits of your efforts.
·   Generally speaking the sending of letters should be avoided where possible. All letters/notices, in fact any piece of paper, is nothing more that fictional hearsay. If we have chosen to live by natural law then we understand that words on paper are worthless; one must act in accordance with ones beliefs. It is best if you present whatever information you have first hand; so if for example there is a banking/loan issue in the name that you wish to assist with, just visit your local branch and speak to the clerk or manager face to face. If the name has received a ticket for a driving/parking offence, visit the local police station or council office. On some occasions it is simply not possible to meet face to face, in such instances a notice may be your only choice, make sure that the notice is hand written in blue ink – a hand written notice cannot have been written by a dead legal fiction. Even when presenting your first hand knowledge face to face it is advisable to also leave a hand written version of your notice with the agent as well.
As our purpose here is correcting mistakes, consider the following definition of mistake; “an error, misconception, or misunderstanding; an erroneous belief.”[7] The point is that we have previously misunderstood who we are in relation to the system; we held nothing more than an erroneous belief that we are the name, and the system did nothing more than allow us to proceed in ignorance. Is the system or any of its agents responsible for OUR mistakes? No, we are. The purpose of this process is not to attempt to void agreements or interfere with any legal process, we are simply evidencing that we are not a party to the undertaking. After we have done this, any continued attempt to impose the obligations of the name upon you is a now mistake on the part of another.

As we already know, all commercial (including criminal) controversies are all matters which affect the name, not you. Thus the only mistakes which need to be corrected are the faulty presumptions that you and the name are one and the same, and that you continue to consent to stand as surety for the name. When we do this we cease to be the obstacle to the settlement of matters in the name because we have ceased creating controversy by claiming property (the name) which belongs to the Crown. Thus the following “four cornerstones”[8] are the ideal foundation for this process:

·  “In the matter of [name], there has been a mistake.” This statement allows us to respond to any allegation that we are the name, without either accepting it or making a denial and introducing controversy. Mistake is a very powerful word in law and has the effect of resetting everything, until at least the mistake has been attended to.
·   “I am a friend of the court with first hand knowledge” (for court scenarios only). The position of friend of the court or Amicus Curiae,[9] is the means by which we establish our standing. Whilst the judge may choose whether or not to admit your first-hand knowledge we have at least presented ourselves as the only party present with actual first hand knowledge. 
·   “Where is the proper notice...” We are referring here to a meeting of the minds. Fictions (names, corporations, courts etc) are not living, they do not possess sentia, and as such are not capable of meeting minds with anyone. You, as a man, may be able to have a meeting of the minds with the judge/agent, but the fact remains that such a meeting is not possible between the parties to the proceedings/commercial situation. In effect this question is a declaration that you are a living man.
·   “ that I can deal with this matter honourably?” Until a meeting of the minds has taken place we, as men, are unable to attend to the matter without acting dishonourably. So don’t try!
This is the art of fighting without fighting, we have basically said “I do not consent to stand as surety for the name” without actually saying it and introducing controversy.
An appropriate notice for verbalisation/presentment or mailing might look like this:

In the matter of [NAME]
There has been a mistake. Where is the proper notice so that I can deal with this matter honourably?
Who is the party liable for that name? How can it be me, I own nothing?
In peace
Your friend and peaceful inhabitant
If we are feeling particularly helpful, and dependant upon whether our own conscience feels the above to be sufficient, we may in addition, wish to point our brothers and sisters in the right direction with their search for the liable party. This is something I would do for Civil matters which I am responsible for initiating – loans etc but not for criminal matters or any other type of civil matter. The following is one way of offering such assistance:

It is apparent that the instrument attached [staple copy of birth certificate to notice], from where the name appears to derive, is Crown Copyright and should not be used as personal identification. I do not wish to create a controversy by trespassing on the property of another.
The owner of the name is suggested as being the Crown and the claimant now has a valid channel of enquiry from which to pursue his alleged debt. Not that they will likely follow up on your advice, but at least you can be happy that you tried to help your brother. I have personally found that utility companies are particularly receptive to this method.

Whether you are presenting your first hand knowledge verbally or by hand written notice, make sure to enclose the original of their communication to you, be it bill, demand etc. If it’s not your name, not you who they are addressing, why would you want to keep it?

Should the corporation in question continue to send further communications, resist the temptation to reply, it’s not you they want and you have already told them of this fact. If they continue making the same mistake, it is not your problem, they should not need a third party (you) to assist them in administering their own affairs; you can only lead a horse to water, you can’t make him drink.

At what point we have we fulfilled our duty (for want of a better word) to correct mistakes we must each determine for ourselves. I would suggest that the above is more than sufficient. It depends also on how long you wish to spend hand-writing notices in response to everything that comes through the door; if, once the mistake has been corrected in the first instance, you continue receiving mail, there is little point in responding further; you may as well wait for an opportunity to properly correct the mistake in court, not concerning yourself with anything that occurs in between. To do anything else could even be seen as meddling in the affairs of another.

Clearly the aforementioned approach relates more readily to matters which find their way through the letterbox – civil matters and minor criminal ones. It does not however cover being stopped by a police officer whilst you peacefully proceed with the day. If this happens, approach the situation as is always advisable with as much love as you are able, try to see a beautiful soul in front of you who is just doing the job he has been trained to do. Also approach the situation as an opportunity – you will likely find yourself in front of a magistrate with an opportunity to express the new you. What you say to the officer needs to come from your own heart, but short of claiming the name and provided you are of peace and treat him with respect, anything goes provided you stick within the guidelines above. Whatever you say, if you don’t claim the name, you will likely find yourself at the station, so don’t resist this unavoidable occurrence – there is nothing you can do to avoid this without compromising yourself. I know that as a general rule we have an unhealthy fear of authority as a result of the way we were brought up, but when you decide to live by your conscience there is going to come a point where you have to stand firm in the face of adversity. Embrace these opportunities, they provide some of the greatest opportunities to discovering who you really are. See Appendix A for a list of additional questions and statements for use with police officers and judges.

It is important at this point to further explain the significance of surety and to make the distinction between civil and criminal matters. In respect of surety (insurance) – everything that exists in the world of commerce is owned, operated or controlled by a fiction, and every fiction requires a bond or insurance policy before it can legally operate. Thus everything and everyone must carry insurance or be bonded, which is essentially the same thing. When a judge hears a case he is acting as banker for the Crown, essentially balancing two accounts or insurance policies which are represented by two fictional names. The names we have previously thought to be our own are no different – the owner and liable party for the names has insured them for an unlimited amount, in the UK this is called National Insurance. Essentially the Crown has allowed us to use a fiction which is already insured and bonded so that we as men and women can have no fictional liability attached to us for any action undertaken in fiction-land, unless of course we volunteer. This is for our benefit. It is of course beneficial to any insurer if a claim is not made on a policy when an incident occurs, so if they can find someone stupid enough to attach their physical body to the liability they will not themselves have to pay out. When we volunteer to be that surety, what we are effectively doing would be akin to (whilst playing the game) insuring your car with fully comprehensive insurance and when you have an accident saying “no its ok I’m not going to claim off the insurance policy which I put in place to cover such eventualities, I’ll pay for it out of my own pocket instead.” This anyone would agree is madness, yet it is what we all do when we claim the name as our own. So all a judge is really doing as a Crown agent is limiting the liability of his employer by allowing someone else to volunteer for that liability, and all we are doing with this process is rebutting the presumption that arose from our previous actions/mistakes, that we agree to that voluntary undertaking. Despite the freedom movements generally accepted perspective that the law was subverted in 1931/33 when the modern system became fully implemented it is ironic that this is actually the time at which the system became perfected, such that it provided complete immunity for man from his commercial endeavours – for those who were not in conflict with their brother, the golden age had begun – it is this immunity that we now have the knowledge to implement.

In respect of the distinction between civil and criminal matters – any legislative infraction of a criminal nature is the simplest matter to deal with. This is because the fictional court system, in its interest of maintaining public policy and appearances will not be able to proceed unless they have the named defendant present, or rather someone willing to stand as surety for it, if they do not have this, the public illusion would not be maintained. If the named defendant is not present they will usually issue a warrant for his/her arrest. If you have presented yourself as a friend of the court and the court acknowledges this position by issuing a warrant in the names absence, you now have acknowledgement from the court itself that you are not the named defendant. They will not be able to proceed in settling this matter until such time as they have a surety for the account (name), which they will of course be reluctant to acknowledge as being themselves in a public court; an adjournment will be the likely outcome. Ultimately though the only way this criminal matter can be settled, in the absence of you agreeing to be the surety, is for the judge as banker to balance the account himself; after all, the parties to criminal matters are always the Crown and a Crown owned name, so the judges job here is really pretty simple. Unless there is a living body willing to go to jail or perform in some other capacity, the judge really has no alternative but to balance the accounts with his employer’s insurance policies.

Additional challenges come when dealing with a civil matter. Unlike a criminal matter where the matter will necessarily be dealt with one way or the other, in a civil matter the judge has the option to issue a liability order against the name in the names absence. Thus owing to the fact that liability orders for civil matters are often issued in absentia (in the absence of the defendant), there may be additional things that we need to establish in court.

What those additional things are will depend upon the situation but generally speaking we need only concern ourselves with our continued use of the real and personal property (land and things) which we are currently using as any order issued would normally be enforced at the address which the court has listed as being that of the defendant. So it is relatively important that we make the court aware of the fact that we are using the property. This fact should first be brought to the attention of the court when we return their claim form documents to them when presenting our first hand knowledge/notice at the court house. Thus something similar to the following may be added to your notice:

Let it be known to the court that all real and personal property at the address to which you have issued the enclosed claim form is currently being used by me. When I moved onto the property and acquired the personal property it was not being used by anyone else, bodily labour has been bestowed upon the real property by me, and for the avoidance of doubt I intend to continue using all real and personal property at that address.

This is also something that should be established in court should the matter reach a hearing. Of course if the matter is one which is secured against real property, like a mortgage, any reference to personal property can be removed. You will notice that those words are lifted directly from William Blackstone’s Commentaries as highlighted in book 1; the court will know precisely what you are saying. As you have now alerted the court to these circumstances it will be, unable to issue an order which would result in enforcement action being taken at that address, the Judge would have a serious problem if he facilitated the removal of goods from the home of a man who has made clear that he is exercising dominion over the earth. My experiences thus far seem to confirm this.
When in court:

·   Be friendly and respectful. Whilst ‘your honour’ might be a bit much, calling the judge ‘Sir’ is perfectly respectable and not at all demeaning to you.
·   Don’t expect a battle just because you’re going to court. Go in with a smile and a warm welcome. Despite what most people would say, most judges are very friendly and will address you with the same decency you have shown to them; you get back what you give out.
·   You may be there as a friend of the court but once you declare that you are there for the matter of the name it is important that you attend to that matter completely. Make sure that whenever the agent acting for the claimant attempts to enter evidence on the court record that you challenge it. The judge can only make a determination based upon the evidence he is presented with. If you can prevent the claimants agent from entering any evidence, the only evidence the judge will have to go off is your first hand knowledge. Remember that hearsay evidence cannot be allowed upon the record unless all parties acquiesce to it. Nothing that the attorney/solicitor presents is first hand knowledge, it is all hearsay; witness statements, various documents and deeds. Challenge everything – “Do you have first hand knowledge of that Mr Solicitor? Do you allow hearsay evidence in your court Sir? Would you mind if I cross examine that witness statement?
Essentially there is very little else to this process. Other case specific nuances may need to be attended to, but if you possess the correct mindset and have love in your heart the appropriate action will become apparent.

It is important that I reiterate that until you do possess the correct mindset and until you are able to display love in your words and deeds you should not be attempting to implement any of the processes described herein. If you do the most likely result will be committal to an appropriate institution.


As we have already spoken of, the system/real world duality is itself a perfect metaphor for the ego/true self duality. Thus whilst we have already discussed the egos propensity to resist circumstances and occurrences in our lives, usually to our own detriment, we ought now to discuss how this further relates to our activities within the world of commerce.

Credit money is the lifeblood of the world of commerce; it is THE focus of our self-centred actions when we play the game. It is also not ours; it is Caesars money and whilst we possess it and claim it as our own we bind ourselves to him; to pay his taxes, register his property and to perform any one of a million other tasks as statutorily directed.

The question is why do we become so bound? Apart from the obvious relation to the name, in that in order for us to claim the money we must also be claiming the name, we need to take a look at the purpose of money.[10]

“The purpose of money... money starts at the bank of Canada, it flows to your charter bank, then it goes to the employer, then it goes to the employee, then it goes to the vendor, now where do you think it goes?... first it goes back to the employer... the vendor has to pay for the goods from the employer, so he’s made a return to source... employer says “well I borrowed that money from the bank so I’m going to give it back to the bank”... so the bank says “now we can give it back to the bank of Canada.” Vic Beck quoting Canadian Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce 1933
Credit money is an obligation, and that obligation is one that is imposed upon it by its creator. When we treat that money as income and subsequently hoard that money in a bank account, which would naturally be assumed by Caesars tax collectors and policy enforcers that we claim it as our own, WE are the ones who are assumed as having the obligation and we are the resistor against the true purpose of money being able to fulfil itself. Thus the only way that the obligation can be cancelled is if WE allow for its return to source. There are a couple of ways this can be achieved, either we physically return the money to its source or we establish that we are not the name on the account and thus by extension can have no claim over the money therein; in this way have we ceased our resistance. This is a process which I have myself undertaken; the particular manner of return which I chose to utilize is shared in book 3.

We will likely find this process particularly difficult to undertake until such time as we have concurrently come to a place where we can also stop resisting the events that unfold in our lives, because until we do we will have difficulty finding the faith/trust/strength to take the leap of faith away from money. In my experience, perspective is the overriding factor here – if for example you lose your job do find this a stressful occurrence? Are you resisting change? The only way to overcome this constant pattern of resistance and negativity is to simply ‘allow’ events to unfold as they may, remembering that our ability to control life has never been anything more than an illusion perpetuated by our lives in fiction-land. In all things there is an opportunity; it is our duty to ourselves to always find the silver lining. This is much simpler to achieve if we are capable of having a little trust in the perfection of the laws of existence to perfectly fulfil our needs.

Looking to the Future

As we look to the future of a life under natural law, where we are able to freely use the fruits of the earth, we ought to consider how this can be practically achieved, remembering also that one mans future will be different to another, and thus that the means by which any particular way we each peacefully exercise free use of the earth’s fruits will also be different. In the ‘modern world’ the fruits of the earth have been gathered by the labour of man into the ‘ownership’ of fictional entities/corporations. Remember that ownership only relates to titles (pieces of paper, unrecognisable by natural law) to real things, and that the entities that claim ownership are likewise unrecognisable by natural law.

Furthermore if we have allowed for the return to source of all fictional paperwork and any supposed identification in the name then we are no longer a resistor to natural law, we are in fact helping to fulfil it. We are now free to use the fruits of the earth as was always the original intent. Did the creator provide us with money? No, man did. Did the creator provide us with identification? No, man did. Did the creator require that we use money or identification to be able to use the things that have been naturally provided for us? No, man did.

Considering the above, when standing under the superior natural law, the law which takes precedence over all other law, is it possible for injury or harm or loss of any kind to befall a fictional entity? Of course it’s not. Essentially then there is nothing we need to put in place before exercising free use; we just need to go and do it.

We all know of course that when we do this, for example using the food from a supermarket of the fuel from a petrol station, that a man wearing a uniform, exercising fictional powers will arrest us for breaking a fictional law and put us in front of a fictional court under the mistaken belief that we are somehow liable. There is of course nothing that can be done to avoid this if we wish to live this new way of life to its fullest, but when we are inevitably put before a court, we are presented with a rather wonderful opportunity. Doing nothing more than we have already discussed in previous chapters we can correct the erroneous belief held by those who put us there that we are a name; the name being the only thing that is convictable in a court of law. Even better is that as the ‘offence’ which the name is charged with is a criminal one, there will be no opportunity for the court to proceed in absentia, so there is very little we need to establish in the court other than the basic ‘four cornerstones.’ We can also take the opportunity to declare our intent to enter into a treaty of peace.[11] [12]

Where the journey takes us from here will be different for each of us, but one would imagine that in most cases after very few public displays of such a process, that the Crown, not having been able to establish any jurisdiction over you will have little alternative to but to sit down with you and agree a way forward which allows you to freely use the fruits of the earth without hindrance and which avoids unwanted appearances in their public court system.

What we have is a system designed to fulfil natural law, a two tier system, allowing those who are of peace and able to live harmoniously with each other to give freely and receive freely, whilst also safeguarding those people from the billions of other people who insist on serving themselves and creating conflict with others. But before we are able to live harmoniously along side the system of conflict, or rather before it allows us to live peacefully along side it, we must show by our words and deeds that we are of peace. The system has witnessed us engaging in a lifetime of conflict so it may take a while for us to properly evidence that we truly know who we are.

In my opinion it is particularly important that we consider our motives for undertaking such a process as that described above. Are we ‘looking to the future?’ Are we attempting to control an outcome? Trying to protect the future ME by working towards a desired outcome? Whilst there is nothing wrong with ‘creating’ a ‘remedy,’ it is in my opinion important that we remember that the only thing that actually exists and that is this moment – now. Consequently planning for a desired outcome at some future time is a purely mind based ego-protection action and it does not serve our best interests to think like that. It is the illusion of control which is responsible for most if not all of the discord in our lives so why would we want to proceed with that mentality that put us where we are in the first place? To do so would to my mind be limiting the possibilities that manifest when we properly engage the creative process; having trust in the natural to provide our every need – including the remedy most appropriate for our highest good. Not that I am suggesting that there is anything wrong with the process outlined above, in fact it is very important, but I consider it important that our motive be one which accords with our intent to live under natural law. Thus the only motive or intent we need is to freely use the fruits of the earth without hindrance – if this puts us in front of a judge to allow us to correct the record then that is a bonus, but should that really be our motive? As with everything that this way of life entails, honourable intent is required.

Ultimately what course of action, and indeed what motive for that course of action, is right for you at a given point in time will only become known to you when you devote sufficient time to listening to what your own conscience has to say on the matter.

Overcoming the Fear

Overcoming fear can seem like a challenge, I offer the following from my own experience, perhaps it may be of assistance (number one – don’t look at it as a challenge, rather as an opportunity!).

Despite appearances, releasing enough of the fear that grips our lives to be able to take the first steps on this path to peace is relatively simple. If these e-books have shown anything, I would hope that it is this:

1.  You and the name are not the same
2.  You don’t own anything so you have nothing to lose
3.  All man-made law is subservient to natural law provided you stand firm by that choice. Thus no one can interfere with your ability to freely use the fruits of the earth – ‘property’ – provided such use conforms to the principles of natural law.
If enough further time is spent reflecting on the depth and significance of these facts you will soon come to instantly recognise that every time mail comes through the letter box addressed to that name and every time you find yourself in the presence of an agent of the system, it never was you that they were looking for. Remembering also that fear is almost always related to the thought of losing something (or attracting something unwanted) what can there possibly be to fear when engaging with the fictional realm where everything, without exception, relates to names and property (or more accurately titles to property)? You have neither. Nor do you fall under the jurisdiction of any man-made law, unless you so choose, so the worst that can ever happen is you get put in front of a judge where, provided your heart is of peace, any mistakes or misunderstandings can be easily corrected.

These simple realisations, when properly understood, should be enough to allow us to stand firm and start correcting our self made mistakes with relative peace of mind. However we can only go so far with this basic understanding; further work is needed if we wish to attain a more enlightened state of being; the only state of being where the true and complete ‘remedy’ we seek can be made manifest. Fear is a very broad category of emotion, thus to completely purge it from our consciousness’ is no small task. Every time you get angry, feel hatred or get frustrated, you are afraid. Every time you worry about the future, or analyse and re-live the past, you are afraid. Fear takes up so much of most peoples time that they don’t even realise it is fear they are experiencing; it’s just normal everyday life.

The egos response to the foregoing might be “what’s so wrong with fear? I’ve had it all my life and it’s not done me any harm. It motivates me to be more...” As rational a notion as that may seem the simple fact is that if you are experiencing fear you are not able to express true unconditional love in your words and deeds; you are missing the beauty.

The fears we experience are generated exclusively by our own egos. In its drive to ensure our survival, the ego rejects experiences that the rational mind might consider dangerous or at least questionable. It analyses the possible outcomes of all your actions before you undertake them and it assesses the possible repercussions of engaging in a particular act. Left unchecked the ego would talk us out of pretty much anything which was not essential to our survival or reputation. Consider now that as your name or person(a) is your reputation, and your reputation is one of the ego’s strongholds, if you have distanced yourself from the name, your ego’s ability to protect your reputation has been drastically weakened; thus in one fell swoop a drastic chunk of the ego’s fear generating arsenal has been removed. In this way the path itself will give you extra strength to continue.

All fear then is an entirely self created protection mechanism; there are no external enemies, nothing external to ourselves to fear. If we can understand this simple point – that all fear is self created, we can begin to take responsibility for its existence in our lives. This is a necessary realisation in the journey to purge fear from your experience; there is little point in proceeding until you have acknowledged this.

All of the perceived dangers, the objects of our fear, are based, as with all things, on the construct; a set of pre-programmed values and opinions which make up who we believe we are. A necessary and major step therefore is to fully understand the depth of influence of the construct over your life and the world in general. Again, neither my words nor anyone else’s will impart that understanding upon you without significant contemplation and consideration on your part as well. Our job then is to understand the construct so that’s its influence over our subconscious is removed and to reshape our individual construct to some thing more conducive to our individual goals until such time as we have no further need for it at all. No one is suggesting you have to cut yourself off from those who still live completely within the system, or that you should throw away your T.V/radio etc, but if you watch the news or a movie remember consciously at all times that what you see is the construct at work, and know that whatever you surround yourself with WILL influence your vibration if not also your belief system in some way; whether you watch Universal Soldier or Mary Poppins may be more important than you think! – even when fully conscious of their effect.

The question then is how can we rationalise fear when it presents itself in our lives? And how do we deal with it so that it doesn’t rear its head in the future? The answers to these questions will of course depend on our foundational beliefs about the nature of reality; but regardless of your beliefs, whether you believe god created the earth in six days or whether you believe that a ‘big bang’ took place where consciousness itself exploded into being, it is universal to both beliefs that there is a single source for all things. If there is a single source for all things surely it must be the case that all things and all events, no matter how seemingly terrible are divine in nature. All occurrences, good or bad, must be from that one source. This simple realisation alone is enough to put fear into perspective when it rears its head, and thus to maintain the presence of mind to remind yourself of this simple truth when it does can only be a positive thing. In fact if we can suspend our judgement of events as being good or bad, recognise instead that there is only the laws of existence working themselves out, and look at all times for the silver lining, we can remain comparatively unaffected by the ebb and flow of the emotional rollercoaster which is our human consciousness. In this way the incidence and severity of fearful thoughts, words and deeds will diminish over time.

Most of us do, or have in the past, subconsciously led a life where fear not love is the overriding driving force for our actions. Whilst we say we love those around us, very few people actually display the characteristics of unconditional love; to love unconditionally requires us to be able to see the higher self of another, be they mother, father, son, daughter, doctor, lawyer, police officer or murderer at all times and especially during those times where we are tested by their words and deeds; those times where unconditional love would normally have been the last thing on our minds. We may kid ourselves that we love our families and friends unconditionally, but can you honestly say that you are able to see that higher self in others at all times? Are you able to see your own higher self during times of adversity? If not how can you possibly claim to love another unconditionally? This is not something that I myself profess to have completely mastered either. The point being that to have any hope of removing fear and anxiety from our lives it must be replaced by something else, in fact without unconditional love for ourselves and all others, regardless of who they are and what they say and do to you, fear will always creep back in. The only way to kill fear is to quite literally love it to death.

The system is based on fear and confrontation, it is about service to self, making claims over our brothers and sisters, and the secret yet constant battle for a limited source of energy; the only intelligible reason for its existence is that through relentless exposure to its apparent evils, we may eventually come to realise that which we are not. Thus the only way out is to express that which we are – pure unconditional love – and to learn how to obtain the energy we require from another source; THE source.

“The purpose of life is to express love until you become love” Lao Russell
 “Worry and fear is like a rocking chair – all that energy, and you’ve still gone nowhere” Anon


This is not a difficult process to undertake, and when you do get stuck in it is truly marvellous to behold. Nor does it take courage to implement. Courage is to face adversity in the presence of fear; we are interested only in understanding the truth, and making that truth our own, so that there is no fear, or at least significantly less fear, in the first place. All we need do is devote sufficient time to quietly contemplating the true nature of our relationship to the world of commerce and all the peace and freedom we have ever desired will be ours.
Despite being an intrinsically logical man, this journey has helped to unearth a whole other side; a side which is more compassionate, forgiving and loving. I am more complete, happy and at peace than I have ever been and am undoubtedly a better man for the experience. It has been a journey away from the logic of the mind into something far more beautiful. Unfortunately I lack the capacity to properly express that beauty given the limiting nature of the English language, but suffice it to say that the experiences of pure joy which accompany the realisations one has along this journey are incomparable and must be personally experienced to be believed.

Again I remind you not to take these words as gospel, do not act upon them unless they resonate with you. Only our own hearts can truly tell us what the right course of action is for each of us. Also bear in mind that the increasing number of people walking this particular road have all added their own energy and ideas to it; this is a conscience based process which, in certain respects, not only can but should be moulded until it conforms to your own conscience.

Blessings to you on your journey.

I love you
For likeminded discussion with other peaceful inhabitants on these and other related topics, please visit

Appendix A – Suggestions for questions and statements to use when dealing with agents

In the matter of the name, there has been a mistake.

I come before you as a friend of the court with first hand knowledge.

Where is the proper notice so that I can deal with this matter honourably?

Are you addressing me Sir?

Are you using that name for personal identification?

By what authority are you using that name for personal identification?

What evidence do you have that I am required to have a name?

How can I give you something that I do not have Sir?

Are you asking me if I am a piece of paper?

Do you have first hand knowledge of that Sir?

If possession is 9/10ths of the law, and as you are the one holding it – Is that your signature?

I own nothing, how can it be my signature?

Sir, are you suggesting that I am not capable of administering these affairs?

Then I concur with you assessment, how can I possibly be competent to administer affairs that are not my own?

Who is the liable party for that name?

I own nothing, how am I liable?

I own nothing, how can I pay?

These suggestions are by no means exhaustive. If faced with a court appearance or other scheduled event it would be a good idea to contact some like minded people, so you can hear about their experiences. Having some fun with role playing is also an invaluable exercise.

[5] a wonderful tool in the search for presence of mind
[7] Black’s Law Dictionary, Eighth Edition
[10] * Vic Beck, Spiritual Economics – resistance and the purpose of money