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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Basis of the game


This is to remind you that if not for the Vital Statistics Act the legal name would not exist as it does. That legislation is referred to by the Deputy Registrar General as the governing legislation, therefore, it is the only legislation one need refer to with respect to; it does not say the child is to be named a name nor is there authority for any agent to say you are so and so. Absent such authority it does not exist but you may volunteer knowingly and unknowingly, willingly and ignorantly, but still willingly. They seem to be following the bible. Genesis 3:20, he named his wife’s name Eve; not the woman.

The agents are guided by and bound by the law. If they are not authorized to do something they cannot do it, legally. THERE IS NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY FOR ANYONE TO SAY YOU ARE SO AND SO AGAINST YOUR WILL. If they try to then show them the aforesaid Act and ask, show me where it says a child shall be named a name to prove that I am so and so. Show me where it say you are authorized to say I am so and so after i said I am not the name is. It is not there folks.

If you have the balls you could also go a bit further. Since you have not shown me what I asked for it is agreed that the name is the name/charged and I am that I am, but since the name was issued to me, I give the orders; Settle up. One could also partake to clean up a mistake. The mistake being that I am so and so.

See, when they cannot stick the liability to you it must lay elsewhere, and since whoever may attempt to stick the name to you is not successful, that party, e.g. the court, is stuck with the duty to deal with the liability.

You may recall the case in New Zealand when the judge said, Crown Consolidated Fund pays the charges. The court was not able to stick the liability to the man who was waving the birth certificate in court. The state created the charge and so was stuck with it.

I think that for the most part, until we are out of the box (pay it forward objective), we simply need to know that liabilities are attached to names and if the name cannot attach to you nor can the liability. Yet, the liability must be dealt with but not by you.

There are numerous circumstances to consider, private and public, but to alleviate all or most of that is a reason for Pay it Forward. To start the game all over again but knowing who we are this go round. Some of you may be thinking here I will tell the bank I am not so and so the name is. The bank may call in the loan and what will you do? therefore, unless you know what you are doing, I would not do such.

Some speak of the bible and that Jesus died that we have no debts. I have no problem accepting the concept that if true is the basis of the game in that we do not have to raise that issue but play the game accordingly. To me that would be to stop playing the game as if the name. Again because the liabilities are attached to a name and can only attach to you if you allow it. If one does not take on that name as if him or his then debts cannot attach to one. In that sense then we can say we have no debts, that Jesus died that we have no debts. The fact is we do and so the question is why? What did I do that nullified what Jesus did for me? Undo what I did and I have no debts. If the possibility exists because of what Jesus did, so be it, but that in my view is not the focus, what I did to nullify or bring debts/burdens upon myself is. In other words, when I undo what I did what it is said Jesus did is invoked.

A christian friend tried to minister to my dad once saying, all you have to do is let Jesus in your heart and your good to go. My dad responded, that is a cop out. There is a walk to walk, the talk is cheap.

Years ago during a seminar it came out of my mouth, wouldn’t it be funny if the game is built on love but because we do not know what love is it appears others have an advantage over us. All we need do that be the case which I believe it to be, all I need do then is come into harmony with it. If it was God the Father giving his only begotten son that created the basis of the game in that we people have no debts, then we need not concern ourselves with the basis of the game except to come into harmony with it.

As far as I know Jesus showed us the way.

With love.