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Saturday, November 27, 2010

The way


Now more than ever is the time to come together as one with one common objective, love one and love all.

Love has and will free us from all the grief and things we fear.

The math does not lie. If we all do love we all go from and eye for an eye, the old testament way, to the new testament, love God the Father
with all thine heart and thy brother, all, as thyself. Treat others as you would have them treat you.

If we had 1000 people join us in pay it forward, thousands more would join and in no time at all we'd have heaven realized now.

Surrender to love and fear is not.

Let there be no doubt that where there is love there are happy and free people.

The way to rid the world of the so called dark is not to fight it but love it. The shift of consciousness from fight to love is what will cause the so called dark evil forces to fade away. A good example is health. Many fight the drug companies and bills that support them, but yet it is the shift of consciousness of the people from, drugs will save me to, I can heal my life without drugs that the drug companies will not be. Same with the money system. We can fight it or we can give freely of ourselves and the usurist will no more be. Same with government, we can fight it or we can do love and governmental power over our lives will fade away. Love is not regulated by law. In fact love is recognized in law as a consideration.

As Christ says in his letters, now more than ever is the time to come together with others truly on a spiritual journey.

True unconditional love is the way and patience a virtue.

The pay it forward process is not to be free but that we are free. Free to express our true nature and purpose, unconditional love. Believe!

I love you :-) :-) :-)