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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pay it forward Conference call 07-12-2010

Conference Call December 07th, 2010

Pay it forward.

I am not Soand So, the NAME is Soand So.


To listen press the play button
(wait a few sec for the file to download)

length: 02:07:54

or click here (right-click and save as..) to download and save the mp3 file to your computer

Freely given, freely received, copy and share freely - No right to reserve what belongs to All - 2010.

I love you

Sunday, December 5, 2010

To Be a Man

Hi all

The following text from the pdf file, To Be a Man, (click to download, pdf file format, you need a pdf reader to read it), is a very good read whether you are new at this search to get out of the box/matrix or have been at it for a while. I recommend it as a must read for everyone as it puts things in perspective very nicely.

I love you

Not so long ago I, like most people in this world, believed that I had a name and that this name was my identity. I believed that money had intrinsic value and I believed that if I had enough of it I could positively affect the world. I believed that everyone ought to pay their taxes for the greater good. I believed that statute was law, and that those laws were there for the benefit of all. I believed that the health service would fix my ills, that the education system would impart knowledge, and that the police force would help me in my hour of need. I believed that war could be just, that climate change was real, and that there really was a free market economy. But most of all I believed that I was a free man.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oh Canada Movie

Our Bought and Sold Out Land

Clicking on the image will redirect you to another site to watch the movie.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The way


Now more than ever is the time to come together as one with one common objective, love one and love all.

Love has and will free us from all the grief and things we fear.

The math does not lie. If we all do love we all go from and eye for an eye, the old testament way, to the new testament, love God the Father
with all thine heart and thy brother, all, as thyself. Treat others as you would have them treat you.

If we had 1000 people join us in pay it forward, thousands more would join and in no time at all we'd have heaven realized now.

Surrender to love and fear is not.

Let there be no doubt that where there is love there are happy and free people.

The way to rid the world of the so called dark is not to fight it but love it. The shift of consciousness from fight to love is what will cause the so called dark evil forces to fade away. A good example is health. Many fight the drug companies and bills that support them, but yet it is the shift of consciousness of the people from, drugs will save me to, I can heal my life without drugs that the drug companies will not be. Same with the money system. We can fight it or we can give freely of ourselves and the usurist will no more be. Same with government, we can fight it or we can do love and governmental power over our lives will fade away. Love is not regulated by law. In fact love is recognized in law as a consideration.

As Christ says in his letters, now more than ever is the time to come together with others truly on a spiritual journey.

True unconditional love is the way and patience a virtue.

The pay it forward process is not to be free but that we are free. Free to express our true nature and purpose, unconditional love. Believe!

I love you :-) :-) :-)

Pay it, our energy/love, Forward unconditionally folks

This was forwarded to me and from me to you. Pay it, our energy/love, Forward unconditionally folks...........This is in alignment with the Christ Letters from Christway.


Happy Thanksgiving 2010 and Beyond:

Floating on the Boat of One towards a New Creation.

Kindly spread widely.

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

2010 is about to close its portal.  Much has happened, albeit mostly behind the scenes.

This year was a year of intense high-level Divine Remote Influencing intervention, great parts of which I am very much aware of, to avoid a gigantic clash in the Middle East which could have wrecked this whole Creation.  There was a tremendous level of cause-and-effect-crescents’ intervention to rapidly de-vibrate the very toxic elements of dark oil which were seeping uncontrollably for months in the US Gulf of Mexico region after the "Deep Horizon" deep-drilling platform "accident," which could have disrupted the flow of the ocean’s life-giving ecological balance and sustenance for most of our planet if no Divine intervention would have occurred.

As of now, humanity is not kept alive (and relatively well so) because of our human intelligence and scientific progress and/or technologies, but rather in spite of our present still very low-level restricted functions.

The Divine Hope was and still is that we would understand that as much as we human Creatures have been gifted limited free will and co-Creative input, we need to recognize that Higher and closer elements/Beings to Source or Source Itself are also certainly allowed to co-create here, and that the vibrational and Creational tools they have at their disposal are by far greater in power and impact than ours.  All that separates us from this highly important realization is our limited but over-inflated human egoic mind.

The Divine Hope was and still remains that we will finally understand that each and every so-called convulsive and close to catastrophic event we are, as of late, experiencing, for the last couple of years, carries a deep embedded lesson within it from The One Himself: a Loving warning message as to behaviors we have learned to embrace that need to be corrected in the future and changed as rapidly as possible, for our own good and survivability.

This applies to our recent and still unfolding world financial crisis, economical dislocations, earth changes, geopolitical flash points, potentially dangerous technologies espoused in a rush for short-term gratification, etc.  The core message is clear: "Please change your state of awareness and consciousness as the global family which you are and then help "download from Higher intelligence," co-create, and apply new structures that will, in the future, avoid such dangerous dislocations and imbalances.  Notice how all is global now and affecting all and everywhere.  Notice how all needs the solution of Oneness in order to be finally resolved."

Human consciousness has evolved from the conditional loving and separative, self-centered, egoic, protective instinct of first, tribal consciousness, to city/state, then national, to blocks of countries, and has of late found itself, albeit reluctantly so, on the cusp of embracing all of humanity within a global perspective.  For in reality the message is simple: ALL is One and all affects the Oneness.  At our level of conditional human love, we also experience this basic tenet in the manifest phenomenal world.  This is why this planetary consciousness is now facing planetary challenges, and humanity needs to unite across all divides in order to survive and solve global problems.  The structures for human unconditional unity and love are still quite crude here.  Humans are still mired in conditional love and self-centered interests and cannot make these structures fully functional and systematically beneficial to all.

The key ingredient missing from our convulsing plane is the unifying Spiritual dimension, in which a separative, conditionally loving humanity based upon the desire to receive and accumulate material gifts transcends the "dust to dust" state (for all material things including our biological vessels go back to dust).  This is when humanity finally accepts and decides to unify with its Spiritual, unconditionally Loving, Life-giving Source and operate in unison under the unconditionally Loving, life-giving vibration.  It is when humanity realizes that deep within us lies the Real Eternal Self surrounding Itself with only an environmental, lesser mortal vehicle/vessel destined to dust and originating from it, and that mankind's main focus should be on the evolvement and improvement of the condition of that very Inner Eternal Divine Self, using the help of the outer vehicles we travel within as Spirit, and not the other way around, as is the case now within matter-oriented earth. 

When that final jump in humanity’s consciousness is achieved, all is possible and all is healed.  Without it, nothing can and nothing will. 

That is the One and only solution to avoid conflict, undesirable fear-based competition, and serious destruction and disruption in the flow of Love.

If I were to propose a metaphor for the sake of clarity, kindly imagine a sophisticated Divine computer where we all reside within it as components of Creation; i.e., Creatures.  The energy animating all characters, i.e. individuations whether humans, animals or vegetable, is One and is the Unconditional Life-giving Energy of the One.  At that level, all the One is, is pure bestowing of Life, and Its Divine Energy circulates in the EL'ectrical circuitry of this EL'ectron-based creation.  Its quality is of pure unconditional bestowing, without judgment, without preference.  It just IS and is the River of Life flowing within all of us.  When that flow is interrupted, all that came from dust and got animated goes back to dust and the basic earth elements.  The Flow does not, for it is Eternal as the IS.

This River of Life is PURE Unconditional Love.

It is the flow from The One.

We, as creatures, were created in the shadow (inverted) aspects of the One, which means with the inverted tendencies of the Oneness.  For the One's only tendency is to gift, favor and savor sharing, and witness happiness in ALL Creatures.  In our inverted programs, we desire receiving more and more for “ourselves” and gifting takes a secondary role to receiving.  We would like to receive first, and then may consider sharing and gifting, if we consider that enough is left for such.  We operate only in conditional, possessive love.  We do not understand unconditional, non-possessive, non-judgmental Divine Love for it is, for most, outside of their programmed consciousness/facets.

However, for the very few who have experienced directly Real Love throughout the ages, Love is not what the One is, but WHO It IS.

You can only bask in that Presence if you have entrained yourself to invert back and become One-like because Unconditional Love and Oneness cannot merge with its inversion: conditional, possessive love, i.e. fear-based love, and allow for the second to remain alive and operative within it.  It would automatically absorb such inverted energy back into the only Reality.

Hence we, as human shells/facets or created individuations, are separated from our Divine Essence flowing through our biological Vehicles as the Deep Silent Loving Presence.

One can only stay in Real Love by BE-coming Real Love and resonate in Beingness with such. 

Human fear-based emotions cannot allow for the merger with Divine Love.  You can only bask in Its Loving Presence if you invert you natural-born tendency to want to receive into a full desire to gift pure Love to your Source which is but you, and Be-come in that process.  You can only bask in that presence if you de-hypnotize yourself, at least for a while, and then for longer and longer moments, from the human drama-laden matrix and the fear we accumulate and project out.

This is the major stumbling block that humans have and are encountering in merging back with the Inner River of Life, the real Tree of Life flowing within Its Solitary Self within All the manifold expressions of Creation.

All, if not most manifestation protocols taught nowadays, as in past periods, originate  primarily from a desire to receive, not unconditional bestowing, and thence do not address the issue of merger with the Love of One and the Oneness, and operate from that level.  As such they are doomed to final dust, as are their manifestations.

The final goal for all of Humanity is to meet its Creator half-way at a point of awareness where it balances its primary and natural desire for reception of gifts and accumulation therein with a strong and innate burning desire to bestow onto others and especially the Oneness-of-One Pure unconditional Love and thanksgiving for Being.

When that point is reached, all of desires manifest, however only in the paradisaical state of Oneness and pure sharing amongst all of us of bestowed gifts. 

This is where we are all heading, as not only this universe but all universes, as the great awakening unfolds and the real beginnings to Creation ends and a new world IS.

Nevertheless, until now, humans, as capacitors and resistors in the EL-ectrical circuitry of our Earth Matrix, have mostly desired to grab and accumulate (store and possess) as much of the Divine energy material bestowed as possible.  Alas, we do not, for the most, perceive that all human storage capacitors and resistors are but stationary points of reflective properties of the One, just mirages filled with Pure Loving energy.  Most humans either want more of dust created structures, or even think of the One, in a perverse reversed anthropomorphic fashion, as being "like us:"  possessive, bent on control and power, adulation, ego-bound, judgmental, fierce, and quick to anger and serve Divine punishment. 

Paradoxically, and not surprisingly, man has tended to want to create (imagine) the One in our (man's) image, and as we have done so and projected thought toward such, thenceforth gigantic thought forms were created, and sustained, bound for their  power on our giving them attention and hence energy.  These have in turn come back for millennia to hunt us and our collective soul for many centuries asking for more energized fear-based attention. 

In reality, as with all thought forms they are but created of dust, destined to go back to dust, but as long as we gift them the light of our Divine awareness, they "exist" and manifest in our inner worlds or outer ones.  They fight for "conditional" love.

Please pay close attention to what I will state.  Dust can only go back to dust, and so it is for your body, house, all material structures, and the thought forms molded energy circuitries we create out of cultural programming or election within our minds.

All is Mind.  The Human mind is a subset of the Divine Mind.  However, it is created in its similitude but in a shadowy and hence dark inverted format to the Pure Loving Divine Light.  This is very clearly explained in the first chapter of Genesis in its original language.

The One usually manifests and speaks thorough the manifest world, especially the natural one, because such events do attract for now far more attention.  For man has lost the belief in his ability to directly connect to the One.  Man has lost the key to that connection.  It is up to us to understand the deep meanings of events and decode the metaphors.  Rare are the direct word-for-word communications which most often than not are found to be ignored, often misunderstood, or worst distorted.  Nevertheless these are capital too in bringing ALL in alignment with Pure Love.

I must admit that my heart is heavy with the realization, that little long-term effective awareness change has yet permeated our consciousness.  Man is still partially blind and deaf. 

We are always responding with our limited human intellect to the latest crisis, instead of seeing the message in it, absorb the lesson, and tend to prevent the next ones by changing ALL of our modus operandi.

On this day on this North American continent which espoused first, before all others, the idea of uniting and accepting lovingly different states, ethnic groups, cultures and belief systems, it is customary to take a day off from the work of the matrix and unite with friend and family in a day of thanksgivings.

On this day and for that reason, I would like to thank first and foremost my Beloved Source who animates me Lovingly and ALL that surrounds me:  the One Himself, for all of His eternal Love and His unyielding support to keep this shared dream, which we call the earth plane, and its inhabitants, functioning and hopefully striving for a leap of awareness that will propel us to the end of our "beginnings" as a Creation, the end of the real big bang, so we may, hopefully for most of us, reach the beginning of real Manifest creation where the One and Oneness becomes permanently and pervasively manifest for Eternity.

Whether you want to call The One:  Universal Force, Father/Mother Creator of ALL, Universe, Al (El) which means the Aleph/Alpha symbol representing in hidden format the unity of One, Allah which means the Unity projected into Creation, or Elohim which means the many co-Creators extent within the One, or by any other name, is irrelevant to me, for I will always see Its true Being as the One-and-Only-Reality which keeps vibrating ALL, including every single atom of us into Reality so that His Dream, of which we are but only little parts, takes on a Reality of Higher conscious awareness, greater bounty, and peaceful and joyful state. 

Whether you focus, for now, only on His manifested Presence in the phenomenal world, and see, out of human intellectual interest or scientific curiosity, or even spiritual inspiration, that manifested world as the Creative aspect Itself , or like to call Him by His Anointed (Messiah) avatars is just fine with me, for all is One and destined to only be so, for One cannot be otherwise.

Whether you see the inverted dark side as outside His awareness and Being or within, is not what I want to focus on.  All I know is that I am aware of how much He/She needed to intervene last year in order to avert us from spiraling into final and eternal chaos from whence the only relief would have been the door of extinction as final death for all in this realm and much, much more.

For that, I am deeply in Love.  I am in Love and thankful for the Unconditional Loving Energy which plugs into the Lattice/Matrix of Life and gifts all of us - facets/inhabitants, the gift of animation (life) and interaction for a life moment, whether human or animal, vegetable or even structural, whether white, black,  yellow, red or any kaleidoscope thereof, whether believers in structured religions or atheist and agnostics, whether Christians, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslims or part of any other restricted but comprehensive to humans’ interpretation of the Eternal.  To that Unconditional Loving non-judgmental Energy which gifts Life and Is Unconditional Love manifest, I bow down in Love and gratitude for keeping us afloat and alive, moment after moment.

And for you, my dear friends, who are traveling this Lattice paths with me during these very important times, I also bow down in Gratitude and Unconditional Love for I know how very challenging, conflicting and confusing these times are and how much they ask of you the ultimate sacrifice which is the sacrifice of faith well above reason.  Faith to know that things will eventually turn out fine and maybe even glorious after the season of leanness and insecurity is done and its lessons absorbed by most of us.

I feel for you, I know and also partake of your plight, and I thank you, all of you, for accepting to remain afloat in the boat of the One which is floating above the raging waters of Creation being flooded with the upper waters of Light Consciousness (Heavens) and the lower waters of inverted consciousness and behavior (Inverted lower worlds).  We are all waiting for the storms to quell and the water of mixed and merged signals and behaviors to recede, and clear dry demarked land and guided orientation being gifted in the new world/earth  soon to be made manifest.

Please realize that you have been chosen, out of myriads or Creations, to go on that boat bridging old and new realities.  Most of the other Creations/universes are not here anymore.  Understand how blessed you are and how serious your commitment should be.  Ponder that reality. I will leave this at that for now.  More will be explained later.

We are in the midst of these stormy waters of the One Consciousness flooding all Creation to re-create Oneness.  Soon the new dry land will appear.  Please be and stay patient, for this is a very complicated and arduous journey which we are all undertaking, humans and nature alike, together with many sub-creators, and the Mother/Father/One:  Source Trilogy.

Many years ago, after a very High and sacred session of communion with the One, I asked "What is it that you would require of us that would really bring you real contentment?"

The answer came as follows: " Love, my son.  I am in dear need of Love, for I, the One, always gift of myself to all Creation.  I love ALL of it, every aspect of it.  The idea that I am in need of worshiping is a human-tinted distorted idea of Who I Am, for I know Who I Am, I know that I am the King of Kings of all Kings.  I know all of my infinite powers.  I have no need for ego boosting, no need for reminders of my status as All Eternal, All powerful, for truthfully I get too much of that already.  I certainly do not enjoy the children/creatures bickering for my attention and "in my name" effect conflict and violence amongst each other.  Can you understand that, my son?  I, God, am in need of Love from my Creatures, more than anything else.  I am in need of pure unconditional appreciation for all that I do and Create, purely out of Love, for my Creatures.

Truly son, I, God, am sick for Love from my beloved Creatures. 

I, God, have felt so little of it, but rather adulation based on fear, a vibration which I cannot connect to, that I am not only all One but all Lonely, feeling separated and disconnected from my Divine Creation and its Divine Creatures.

When they think that they please me by fearing me and worshiping me, they manifest but the opposite of Love, for true Divine Love is all-consuming , all-accepting, all-integrating.

When so many reject me because they feel uncomfortable with the ways many have set up worshiping structures around me, my heart cries for them, for I, Pure Untainted Spirit/Mind cannot reach the ones who are ready and open to readily accept who I really am which is pure Unconditional Love.  I do not focus on Love.  I AM Love.  That is all my Being really IS and can be, nothing else really IS.

That is all I can really be, which is but the Original Father/Divine Seed waiting for His children to come back to His Glorious Mansion that He has prepared for them all, Dreaming of watching them play and grow happy within it, bathed by Divine Love.

I am the Original Mother receptacle who has provided the fertile soil to let these seedlings grow and flourish, and weeps when they argue, compete, and do not recognize themselves as true Brothers and Sisters in One-and-Oneness and often neglect the earth plane womb and its beautiful gifted environment and natural creatures, which I keep unconditionally gifting and vibrating for my human children.

I am the children, all Original Sons and Daughters who have come to visit this Creational plane and operate their dreams and visions on this earth, hopefully soon creating all from the H(eart) plane. 

Please tell them that I feel ALL ONE, Alone and neglected, unrecognized, un-Loved.

Please tell them to stop fighting amongst themselves for my attention. 

I will not favor one over the other.  They are all Me. 

I will only align to the ones that can show unconditional Love which IS Me. 

Love has not language, no country, no name, no faith; it just IS and will remain forever, all the rest is but illusion."

So, on this day of thanks giving and hopefully on all days from now henceforth, I ask of you to do this healing of Creation towards the One: Help heal your Uni-Creator for the neglect He has felt for so long.  Gift the Creator Love, recognition, and appreciation. 

Whether you belong or not to an old or recent spiritual belief system is totally irrelevant. 

Please show thanksgivings, and you will be surprised as to how much unconditional Love and gifts will shine you way back to all of you, in the name of the Oneness who has until now been experiencing a painful lack the Love that It so freely bestows to ALL Creation.

Please try to have in your heart/mind, as much as possible, a feeling of unconditional Love towards the Creator: The One.

If you cannot do more, please at least try to segregate daily three 10-minute periods—morning, afternoon and evening—to sit down quietly and just express deep Unconditional Love to your Source of Life.

This IS the Secret of All secrets, and the Key to communication and Pure communion with the One: the Holy of Holies.

This Key is to offer the Present of directed Unconditional deeply felt Love towards the One.

This is the ONLY way to directly communicate with Source: Unconditional Love, which is but what Source IS and Vibrates in.

Many have called our Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality (the One) and told me that they do not feel they can communicate with Source.

I always answer them that they are not using the right frequency channel of communication which is but to be in a state of Pure Love, unfettered with concerns, fear or demands.  As state of Loving gratitude, familiar Presence, Pure Love and appreciation for being gifted the gift of Life and witnessing it all round us and within us.

Energies can only communicate in harmony with similar vibrating energies, and Unconditional Love cannot communicate with its opposite facets:  fear, anger, and aggression, which is an expression kept and fueled by the antiOne tendency, the main energy/facet operating this realm, a facet that many keep alive by their thoughts and actions bent on separation, control, and fear-based elitism.

For the One to merge with the vibrations of the antiOne is utterly impossible, for in the Loving Light of One, fear, as its opposite, cannot coexist, and hence only this illusory outer dust bound shell can manifest here as the illusion that it is:  the separative fear-bound thought form we have kept energizing, mostly not realizing the impact of such.  The core or the Holy of Holy of Pure Unconditional Love cannot be tainted by what It IS not and is but illusion sustained by our vibrations and inverted thoughts.

When mankind makes the effort to align to such real Pure Divine Love frequency and SHOWS that inner tendency within ITS being and hence his/her actions, it aligns to its Source, merges with that Holy Vibration, remains alive in the Source of Eternal Life, and then the seemingly miraculous happens, as the One opens communication to this individuation of Itself.

Please do this for your Creator and for ALL Creation.  Do it for your real Self.  You are now hypnotized by you unfolding life, but behind all this drama and all its tribulations lies the ONLY and TRUE Reality: Unconditional Love wanting to feel, reflected back to Itself, as same, so that the circuitry of Creation is completed and we can all, as One and Oneness, regain our former Glory and be get back Home again. 

And the real Big Bang will be, and the Eternal Creation of The REAL and Eternal  Love will unfold and the un-real (fear and its manifested structures) will disappear from all realms, back to dust, to be replaced by Brilliant Loving Light within each and every one of you who accepts to partake of this glorious and unique journey.

I love you all.

I wish you a happy thanksgiving day, every day, forever so. 

Your friend on this journey,

Gerald O'Donnell

Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality (One)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Governing legislation/authority

Consider this information is crucial.
There has been much talk regarding liability for the name. Perhaps we can demonstrate here how that is established.
First off the Vital Statistics Act, or legislation that requires that the government register births is the legislation that governs the registration of births, the issue of birth certificates (BC) and the information found on the face of BC’s including the name.
Keys words are ‘governing legislation’ or ‘legislation that governs’. In short, if not for legislation such as the Vital Statistics Act, there would be no birth certificates and no legal names such as the one appearing on a BC. The legal name to which liabilities may be attached would not exist.
So in that sense and in fact, the said Act or similar in other provinces is the governing authority regarding the reg. of births, the issue of BC’s and the information found thereon.
Now we have said we do not consent to be recognized by or as the name but what we have not done is ask, where do you get the authority to recognize or identify me by or as that name? Where do you get the authority absent my consent to say I am so and so [legal name as appears on or is derived of a BC].
We have entered the statement of birth (SOB) and BC as evidence and referenced or provided section 46 of the Vital Stats Act in Ontario which is the authority indicating such documents are admissible in court as proof.
The question is, from where do the agents, others, get the authority to recognize or id you, your body, as the name appearing on or derived of a BC and or where do they get the authority, e.g. in court, to say you are so and so?
Truth is there is no authority except our consent, but to close the door on that I recommend that you print off a copy of the Vital Statistics legislation for the province that issued the BC you have as that legislation is the governing authority meaning; if it does not say in that Act that you are so and so or you shall id yourself as so and so or that says others can say you are so and so or recognize or id you as so and so, then the authority to say you are so and so or to recognize or id you as so and so does not exist.
But you have to show the entire Act and ask, show me in this governing legislation where it says you have the authority to say I am so and so or that authorizes you to recognize me or id me as so and so?
Show me where it says you have the authority to govern me via the name?
Like the judge said to George Gordon, it is not what the law says it is what it does not say and in this case the governing legislation, authority, does not say you are so and so or that you shall identify yourself as so and so or that authorizes anyone to say you are or to recognize or identify you as so and so.
In short, the authority to say you are so and so, to recognize you as or by the name so and so, does not exist.
So when you slap down or present the appropriate birth registration legislation, e.g Ontario Vital Statistics Act, asking the questions to which the authority does not exist, how then, can you be liable for debts etc attached to the name?
Bottom line here is that there is no authority in law to say you are so and so, that your body is named so and so or that authorizes anyone to recognize you as or identify you as so and so.
Thing is you must show the appropriate provincial birth registration legislation (the entire Act) that issued the BC you have, not just parts of it, and ask the questions. For example, you are in court and they are acting as if you are so and so, the name.
If they were to proceed as if they have the authority after having presented the entire Act and asked the questions, you are looking at criminal activity. Not some where we want to go but, absent the authority being found in the said governing legislation there is no authority to say you are so and so etc.
Again, the governing legislation is cause for the existence of the BC and legal name, the one on the BC or derived of it, and if it is not said in that Act, and it is not, that you are so and so or that authorizes others to say you are so and so then there is no such authority, and without it there is no authority to hold you liable for obligations attached to the name.
So the way to be free of such liability is to present the government legislation/authority and ask the question(s).
Now you have to use your head here how to use this information on a case by case basis. In cases you may be contacted by mail where it may be alleged you are so and so and other cases you may be face to face.
If face to face I would simply slap down the Vital Statistics Act and ask, show me in here where it says you can call me Mr. so and so or so and so.
The authority is not there folks. In fact it does not exist in any legislation but our focus here is the Vital Statistics Act or whatever it is called in the province that issued the BC you have because that legislation is the GOVERNING legislation.
If the BC you have was issued in Ontario and you are now in Alberta, you use the Ontario legislation.
Now this is incorporated into and as part of the ‘Pay it Forward’ process. The trustee will be asking the questions posed above on behalf of those partaking in paying it forward; show me, the trustee, where you, CRA, get the authority to say that the man at such and such an address is so and so?
If the name cannot be stuck to you neither can liabilities, responsibilities, duties, attached to the name. In a sense you become invisible to law. This is really good when used in conjunction with the ‘paying it, our energy, forward’ because we are in essence saying, you do not have the authority to hold us liable but nevertheless, we are giving our energy freely. haha! Double whammy!
So as much as by asking the proper question(s) separates you from the liabilities, duties, obligations, attached to or associated with the name, you, if partaking in pay it forward, are saying, my energy is free so use it to settle those liabilities. In any event, you cannot see me let alone hold me liable but I have given all I have to give being my energy/life.
The other benefits are, you are not an owner which we knows is not what we want to be. Owner pays.
So we see here that we must show the claimants the governing legislation, or the legislation that governs the issue of BC’s and the information entered onto them, and ask; show me in this governing legislation where it says you can call me so and so, or recognize or identify my body, as so and so. It is not there folks.
There is no other legislation that has anything to do with BC’s or the information on them. Therefore there is but one Act to look at to know if the authority exists or not to say you are so and so.
It is not what the law says, it is what it does not say and the governing legislation, Vital Statistics Acts, do not say you are so and so, or that your body is, or that you shall identify yourself as so and so, nor is the authority there for anyone else to.
So unless we consent to be so and so, the name, then no one else has the authority but we need to get the appropriate legislation in front of their face and have them answer the question(s). It is then they will see, gee, we do not have the authority to say he is so and so.
There is a lot of presuming going on and that is what it is a best because the truth and fact is, there is nothing in any legislation, let alone the said governing legislation, that authorizes anyone to recognize you as or identify you as, or say you are, so and so.
Now everyone is free to use this information as they see fit, but, trust me when I say, as trustee for those partaking in paying it forward, I shall be asking those and greater questions.
So, whether or not the offer of our free energy is accepted, one way or another they will not be able to hold you liable for debts, obligations, etc., that are or may be attached to the name.
On another note I have been away from home for over a week and have not checked any mail. I will tomorrow. If you have sent mail regarding the pay it forward process I will let you know if it has been received. Further, when away from home I cannot send emails to you all directly but only through the blog site.
I love you

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Reality Transmission

On 11-11, 2010, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species... a new reality.  The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure will be harnessed en masse during the largest scale simultaneous manifestation transmission in recorded history.

New Reality transmission

Asset Creation Processing

Asset Creation Processing thanks to Laurier for the graphic

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pay it forward Conference call 04-11-2010

Conference Call November 04th, 2010
Pay it forward.


To listen press the play button
(wait a few sec for the file to download)

length: 01:44:06

or click here (right-click and save as..) to download and save the mp3 file to your computer

Freely given, freely received, copy and share freely - No right to reserve what belongs to All - 2010.

Love is the cure
Love is the drug
Love is GRAND
Love is LOVE

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pay it forward Conference call 21-10-2010

Conference Call October 21th, 2010
Pay it forward.


To listen press the play button
(wait a few sec for the file to download)

length: 02:02:11

or click here (right-click and save as..) to download and save the mp3 file to your computer

Freely given, freely received, copy and share freely - No right to reserve what belongs to All - 2010.

Love is the cure
Love is the drug
Love is GRAND
Love is LOVE

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Pruning Shears of Revision -Neville Goddard 1954

Neville Goddard 1954


This morning's subject is "The Pruning Shears of Revision". I firmly believe that if you will wisely and daily use the pruning shears of revision that you will find there is no objective beyond your ability to realize. And I mean that seriously, no objective beyond your ability to realize.

When I was a boy of seven, a lady said to me, "I have had a vision concerning you. I'll make it now very, very clear to you--I do not know what it is you are going to do, but I've been shown you will do something that through the centuries after you are gone man will not undo it. I can see it and through the centuries you will grow in stature long after you have gone. And then three men will be mentioned in hundreds of years to come and you will be one of the three when something is discussed that was done for man."

Monday, October 18, 2010

Col. Edward Mandell House

Col. Edward Mandell House had this to say in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (President) [1913-1921]…

"[Very] soon every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology we can compel people to submit to our agenda which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.

Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us, will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all this is the only logical way to fund government by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call "Social Insurance." Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pay it forward Conference call 05-10-2010

Conference Call October 05th, 2010
Pay it forward.


To listen press the play button
(wait a few sec for the file to download)

length: 01:40:40

or click here (right-click and save as..) to download and save the mp3 file to your computer

Freely given, freely received, copy and share freely - No right to reserve what belongs to All - 2010.

Love is the cure
Love is the drug
Love is GRAND
Love is LOVE

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Code Cracked

Hi all

The government has put out a request for suggestions to change the financial system.

Let us think about that.

We are currently on a debt money system and what can possibly be done to change that to something better working within the same standards as now?

In other words; I am sure that the minister of finance, treasury board etc, and others in government, know their business well, and what can anyone else offer that would improve on their knowledge. For what purpose would they seek suggestions to improve on their knowledge?

What has not been done that could improve on the current system other than going to interest free currency?

In other words, for what reason would the government request suggestions unless they are checking to know if we the people are awake.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Crime Of The Canadian Banking System (2007)

BILL ABRAM part-1/3

Over the past 4 years, the Canadian people have paid $137.4 billion in interest on money borrowed from private banks whereas the Bank of Canada could legally print the public's money into existence rather than borrowing it at interest. "They've paid out this huge sum because our government has failed to abide by the law." Abram, a retired high school teacher and activist on Vancouver Island, B.C., explicates the trick of fractional reserve banking.

Part 1/3

CANADA'S GREAT EXPERIMENT: 1935-1974 part-2/3

For nearly 40 years, Canada - the people of Canada - had control of their own currency! Imagine! They founded their own bank and issued their own currency with no debt obligations to banks. Taxes were low

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Income taxes pay the interest to the bondholders

From the House of Commons Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce;

“Income taxes pay the interest to the bondholders”.

The government puts up interest bearing bonds out of which money is created and we pay the interest in the form of taxes.

The taxes are a direct draw on our energy and is what I mean by our credit. In other words, it is the tax payments that make the bonds good.

The taxes are a direct draw in that, you give 100% energy measured as gross pay and go home with after tax loss of energy in terms of net pay.

Now I have no problem that the government puts up bonds, but to hold me liable for its choice to put up interest bearing bonds (promises to pay) than issue interest free currency (promises to pay), that I take issue with.

That my friends is the crux of the matter. The government has no means to pay the interest and so what business did it have putting up interest bearing bonds in the first instance, let alone hold us liable when it had another option? That being interest free currency.

So as much as it may be claimed that we receive a benefit when we receive money (income), or the government did us a favour, or the people wanted to be paid for their work and is why we are liable for the interest payment, taxes; the fact that the government could issue interest free currency in the stead of debt money, must mute the claim.

In other words, if the government had of issued interest free currency the people would not be subject to taxation, but since it has not and authorizes the issue of debt money in the stead, it is not justification in my view that people be subject to income taxes.

However, taxes are not the subject of this message or purpose of this blog site; freedom from debt via interest free currency is.
I love you

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Debt-Free, Interest-Free, Currency Seminar - Ajax Ontario

The video files are not yet downloadable, unless you're like me and have the tools to "grab" from website and the codec to play on your own computer.

Part 1-1

Part 1-2

Part 1-3

MP’s e-mail addresses

The addresses are in groups of 25 for anti spam reasons.

1st Group of 25 MPs

Galipeau <>; Beaudin <>; Baird <>; Bains <>; Bagnell <>; Bacha <>; Atamanenko <>; Asselin <>; Ashton <>; Ashfield <>; Arthur <>; Armstrong <>; Angus <>; Andrews <>; Andre <>; Anderson <>; Anders <>; Ambrose <>; Allison <>; Allen <>; Allen <>; Albrecht <>; Aglukkag <>; Ablonczy <>; Abbott <>

2nd Group of 25 MPs

Brune <>; Bruinooge <>; Brown <>; Brown <>; Brown <>; Brison <>;

Suggestion to Government of Canada

Dear Member of Parliament,

As you may or may not know, the government of Canada is taking suggestions on how to improve the financial system. Enclosed is our suggestion that has been forwarded to the email address where the suggestions are to be sent; We urge you to study it carefully since the suggestion is based in part on comments made by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, 1939.

Dear Honourable Minister of Finance,

The following is a suggestion in response to an article in the Toronto Sun newspapers regarding the governments request for suggestions to improve the banking/financial system. The attachment contains the suggestion in French and English. In addition to the suggestion offered herein is this from the Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce; March 24, 1939 at page 394;

“Will you tell me why the government with power to create money should give that power away to a private monopoly and then borrow that which parliament can create itself back at interest to the point of national bankruptcy, because, if we cannot finance the things that are necessary it means that this nation cannot meet its current obligations”. “Why should a government with the power to create money borrow that money at interest?” Mr Towers, “Now, if parliament wants to change the form of operating the banking system, then certainly that is within the power of parliament”.

We think that the facts and evidence speak for themselves as to why the ship Canada and the people are floundering in debt and will continue to flounder until the ship sinks taking us all with her, unless the rules are changed. It is not our desire to pursue a class action suit but neither is it our desire to see the good ship Canada and the people suffer needlessly.

If you wish to discuss this further my contact particulars follow.

Thank you

Insert your contact here

Your Name
123 Your Street
Your City Your Province  Your Postal Code

and/or youremail@youremail.youremail

Monday, September 27, 2010

For immediate release

Hi all,

I thank all who came to September 26th gathering for coming. It is always nice to come together in like mind, heart and soul.

The article in the Toronto Sun of September 20, 2010 (read it here at the source : Department of Finance Canada), is something that came to Wally and I as we were in the midst of drafting a letter to the government.

That was the major topic of yesterdays meeting. The recording of that gathering of loving souls can be viewed here at: Debt-Free, Interest-Free, Currency Seminar - Ajax Ontario blog post.

On that note, soon you will all receive an email that has a letter offering a suggestion to the government as per its request for suggestions. We will be asking for your participation.

It comes down to these quotes from the House of Commons Committee on Banking and Commerce found in the Parliamentary Library;

“It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30,000,000 in bonds and not $30,000,000 in currency. Both are promises to pay; but one promise fattens the usurer and the other helps the people”, and;

“It is the people who constitute the basis of government credit. Why then cannot the people have the benefit of their own gilt-edged credit by receiving non-interest bearing currency, instead of the bankers receiving the benefit of the people’s credit in interest bearing bonds?”

As I am sure you will agree; why do not the people have the benefit of our gilt-edged credit? Gilt-edged means 'the best' or 'golden'.

How do you feel about the banker/bondholder/usurer reaping the benefits of your/our credit when we the people can be the beneficiaries of our own credit? Would you allow me to receive the benefit of your credit but you pay?

If you wish to be a beneficiary of your own credit then we ask that you take this matter seriously and that you get involved. It goes without saying that we must or should take action but with peace and love in thine heart. In other words, what is done is done and the past is the past; this is about a solution, hence, the suggestion.

It is not often that the government seeks suggestions from the public and we see it as an opportunity. Accept the offer for suggestions. Suggestions of the solution kind and not the bitchin and complaining type for that type is not solution oriented, thus is not a suggestion or solution.

I am pondering for the moment that it may be best that I do not send out the particulars of the suggestion blah blah until the video of yesterdays meeting is posted and you've had an opportunity to view it. A link will be provided where you can watch the video. You can send your friends to that link as well which is our hope you will do.

We broke yesterday down to 2 parts. The first part we talked about the government asking for suggestions and our suggestion. That is what will be posted at the special link.

The full recording of the day will be posted on a different site but we ask that you focus on what we are setting out to do with regard to 'we the people' receive the benefit of our own credit rather than the third party banker/usurer/bondholder receive the benefit of our credit.

It sounds absurd doesn't it that a third party receives the benefit of our credit? Well that is because it is absurd and so we have this opportunity handed to us to make the changes that we receive the benefit of our credit in the form of interest free debt free currency.

That means that you get the money you need when you need it and there is nothing to pay back. There is more detail in the video recording about this.

So this is not about your specific wants or needs but all of us, now and the future. If all of us come together here and partake, we can be the cause of the change that we receive the benefit of our credit in the form of interest free debt free currency.

You have a choice with regard to money/credit and banking; to allow things to carry on as they are or to get involved to cause change.

I add this comment from the Standing Committee March 24, 1939 at page 394, which shows the parliament, has the power that we the people receive the benefit of our credit.

“Will you tell me why the government with power to create money should give that power away to a private monopoly and then borrow that which parliament can create itself back at interest to the point of national bankruptcy, because, if we cannot finance the things that are necessary it means that this nation cannot meet its current obligations”. “Why should a government with the power to create money borrow that money at interest?”

Mr Towers, “Now, if parliament wants to change the form of operating the banking system, then certainly that is within the power of parliament”.

When you receive the email asking for your participation everything is laid out for you that all you need do is follow the instructions.

You will receive two emails; One email is to be forwarded to the email address that the government is taking suggestions at, we call that the 'Suggestion Box' (, and the other to the federal members of parliament of Canada, bureaucrats (deputy ministers), mayor, members of provincial parliament, bank of Canada, the news and editorial department of media outlets such as TV, radio, newspaper etc. Leave no stone unturned.

The man whose name is named Wally put in a lot of effort to get a full email list of every member of parliament so all you need to do is copy and paste to the 'send to' box and send them. They are broken down into lots of 25 because some email provider services have spam blocker that limits to how many email addresses you can send mail at any one time.

They can also be fax or mailed through Canada post.

We are also asking that you pass this on to your friends, doctor, lawyer, club, group, anyone and everyone, and have them do the same. The more of us that do is a greater voice of the people. It is our butts/credit on the line here people and we must speak up or our silence will mean nothing changes. In fact, if we remain silent, especially after having seen the Toronto Sun article attached, we are saying we do not care. By our silence we are saying, keep on allowing the banker/usurer/bondholder to receive the benefit of our credit at our expense.

Wally and I are dedicating ourselves to this cause and aside from asking for your participation we are asking for financial assistance. We will be attempting to get a high profile lawyer onside and we may need funds for that, certainly if the matter goes to court. That aside, we are seeking the assistance of lawyers.

We cannot do this effectively on nickels and dimes and so we are asking that you dig into your pocket and ask your friends to do the same.

Financial assistance can be sent to: Hallow (contact by email for details)

Anyone having questions or suggestions should send them to either me, man whose name is named Hallow, or the man whose name is named Wally.

We are also available for speaking engagements to help those that are not aware of or do not comprehend the money, banking, financial system, and how it is our credit that funds the entire system and that it is our credit that is lent to us at interest.

If you wish to be added as a participant or to receive updates, please provide a name, email address, and other contact particulars to

More and more people are speaking up that they feel like slaves.

Well, this is the reason because once it is re-established that we are the source of credit and have the right to benefit from it, many things will change. Crime will drop, health will improve (less stress/dis, no, ease), and we, not the corporations will be the Kings and Queens and we will no longer be treated as debtors or tax payers or viewed as targets.

Every man woman and child is effected by this.

Feel free to pass this email to your friends asking them to pass it to their friends. We are shooting to have at least a million of us get on board with this. Make it your life purpose to educate, to share, to assist.

We the people are our solution. We can cause the changes we want to have but we have to get involved. If we do nothing the ship will sink in debt taking us all with her.

As for the content of the video mentioned above, I purposely did not get into the name game because it is not relevant to us having the benefit of our credit. As Kings and Queens no one can use any name against you.

Go forth with tremendous love in your heart for all people regardless of their status or office. WE ARE ONE.

This time we go forth in peace to show the world that peace and love, not war, is the way. Peace and love, not complaining, is the way. Peace and love, not bickering, is the way. Let us unite as one for a cause that is good for all.

I love you all from all my heart and hope this message rings in your heart and causes you into action.

Together we flourish; divided we suffer.

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.

-Albert Einstein

Links to the Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce 1939:



MINUTES p461-500

Pay close attention to inquires and comments made by Mr Jacques in the May 9, 1939 proceedings.

You’ll know the cause why private and public debt, the cost of living, and taxes, are ever on the rise, and your purchasing power ever on the decline, so long as we the people do not receive the benefit of our gilt-edged credit in the form of debt free interest free currency.

To prove that, take note of the national/public debt as of today and compare it with what it was May 1939.


Take note of the cost of living today and compare it with what it was in 1939, 1949, 1959, 1969, 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009.

Mr Towers, a banker, was dead wrong.